Classified Documents, what the idiot reporters aren't asking

There are a few issues with the classified documents that I haven't seen any reporter really asking.

1. There are different markings for the level of classified documents. They are not equal in their importance.

2. Those making the decisions to classify or not almost always error by over classifying the documents.

3. Just because a document was classified as top secret on January 1, 2020 doesn't mean it is still top secret on January 1, 2021. The information becomes widely know as it is in the current news.

The real problem that should be obvious is the difference in the way Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden have been treated in by the FBI and DOJ about their possession of classified documents.

If my memory is right I think almost all former presidents from Jimmy Carter on have had a few classified documents found after they left office and often in presidential libraries when getting ready to display things while they were in office.
How many failed to turn the docs over when discovered?

How many moves some of the documents from one location to another after they were discovered?

How many went to court to try and stop the govt from recovering the docs?

How made dubious and unsupported claims that they declassified docs through use of their telepathic powers?

Asking for a sane person that doesn’t spouts asinine drivel.
How many failed to turn the docs over when discovered?

How many moves some of the documents from one location to another after they were discovered?

How many went to court to try and stop the govt from recovering the docs?

How made dubious and unsupported claims that they declassified docs through use of their telepathic powers?

Asking for a sane person that doesn’t spouts asinine drivel. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

worthless questions, big thing is they over classify documents to hide things
VitaMan's Avatar

The real problem that should be obvious is the difference in the way Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden have been treated in by the FBI and DOJ about their possession of classified documents. Originally Posted by farmstud60

But you just made that up.
But you just made that up. Originally Posted by VitaMan

Nope, if you can't see it maybe you should open your eyes to lies told by Democrats and too many in the mainstream press. They are pretty easy to spot.
Ripmany's Avatar
The size of Trump's penis is classified.
The size of Trump's penis is classified. Originally Posted by Ripmany
What a worthless comment
The size of Trump's penis is classified. Originally Posted by Ripmany
Does that disappoint you? Lol.
biomed1's Avatar
To Stay on Topic . . .
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Precious_b's Avatar
If my memory is right I think almost all former presidents from Jimmy Carter on have had a few classified documents found after they left office and often in presidential libraries when getting ready to display things while they were in office. Originally Posted by farmstud60
This seems like something that has been happening for quite awhile. I was educated that most anything written on other than a WH letterhead can be classified. Right down to a cocktail napkin. Hopefully this will have a review of procedures so as to tighten the process of securing such documents.

Interesting to think that such documents are found when put in Presidential libraries. I don't know how donnys will be found when the biggest source of his rantings are on twitter. Maybe first online only prez library?
The Special Counsel Robert Hur told Bidens own lawyers without security clearance or FBI supervision to search for classified documents for 2 weeks before FBI agents took over.

How many documents that implicate Joe and Hunter Biden in criminal activity did they find and shred ?
ICU 812's Avatar

1. There are different markings for the level of classified documents. They are not equal in their importance.

3. Just because a document was classified as top secret on January 1, 2020 doesn't mean it is still top secret on January 1, 2021. The information becomes widely know as it is in the current news. Originally Posted by farmstud60

I have in my possession a document marked "TOP SECRET BIGOT". At the time, that marking. "BIGOT" meant that that it was only to be seen by those who we reauthorized to use it, or "need-to-know".

This is an invasion battle map from WW-II showing all the landing zones for "Operation Dragoon", the amphibious landing in Southern France in August of 1944, after the D-Day invasion in Normandy.

The detailed classified information on that map, for which several French resistance fighters had died to get, became open knowledge when the sun came up that morning.

It has been in one closet or another, ever since my Dad came home from the war in 1946.
ICU 812's Avatar
And yet to my political nose, there is a bad smell about the Biden family documents and their significance in validating Hunter Biden's lap-top and the Biden family connections to high government officials and their financial interests in foreign countries.

It is interesting to note that all the trump collusion with Russia hype has turned out to be just screaming into the wind. And so has all the hysteria over President Trump's tax records . . .As President Biden has said in another context, " . . .there is no there, there."
The Special Counsel Robert Hur told Bidens own lawyers without security clearance or FBI supervision to search for classified documents for 2 weeks before FBI agents took over.

How many documents that implicate Joe and Hunter Biden in criminal activity did they find and shred ? Originally Posted by LayingPipe
They turned every one that existed over to the FBI. You poor conspiracy believers can’t get out of your own way. If anything implicating Hunter or Joe Biden in a crime ever existed members of congress and the Trump White House would have seen them already and made hay about it. I would say y’all should smarten up but that’s like asking the sun to blow cold air.
ICU 812's Avatar

Sure, a everything was kept intact and uncharred . . . all that. . . .

And Joe Biden didn't talk business with Hunter Biden. . . .

And Bill Clinton didn't have sex with that woman. . . .

And Alec Baldwin didn't pull back the trigger . . .

It is all the same shit from the same shit mongers.