Carla Sweets- No

It is with great reluctance I post this. I posted a thread some time back about a provider who did not provide a session that was paid for.
I had hoped she would make it up but months have passed with promises but no action.Many will claim she deliberately took advantage of my kindness and generosity with no intention to provide a session that day.It is possible.I was very specific and direct that if I drove that far, I expected a session.

I have given Carla many opportunities and time to provide a makeup session. She has not done so. In fairness, she did offer to return my money at one point.I declined because I would still have to spend a couple of hours driving and I really wanted the session, not the money. And, based on what I believed of her personal issues at the time, including being pregnant, I was reluctant to take the money back as she appeared to really need it more than I did. I did ask for a 90 minute session as the make up feeling that was fair. At first she agreed but later said no.

Carla, you are an extremely hot woman. Your sessions with me were great. I enjoyed your company as well. You did everything right to get me to see you and keep coming back. I was happy with the sessions and willing to see you as a repeat customer. I was happy to give of my time to help you with some things while I was with you.

But ultimately, I was not your boy friend; I was not a long time close friend. I was a client. While I enjoyed the personal, non-bcd aspects of being around you such as your company and helping you with things, ours was a business relationship. You took my money and failed to provide services. You have been given an extreme amount of time to make it up. This is not the first time clients have had issues with you. last time, you made a point of owning your shortcomings and would do better.This is part, was why I decided to go forward with seeing you.

Your personal situation is something I have great compassion and understanding for but that does not excuse your behavior. You got a couple of hundred dollars from me. You lost many times that amount by not taking care of business. I would have been happy seeing you weekly.I hate to possibly harm your business. But you cannot take advantage of people without repercussions.

You provide a great session. You can be a charming host. I had no problem recommending guys to see you for a session. But, you have to learn to take care of business.Until you do, you will continue to struggle. There is far more to being successful in this business than having a hot body.

Guys, she is great in bed. But if you are going to see her, be very specific up front about what you expect. And don't let her personal situation suck you in to giving more than you agree to before hand.

Sorry Carla, I wanted as long as I could for you to do what is right. And far longer than I should have had to.
ManSlut's Avatar
All I can say is, "Communication is the key".
  • EZ.
  • 11-02-2014, 03:47 PM
You are an ATM to these girls but never be foolish enough to be a bank. You know I have given money to one of these girls but I would have been shocked it I got it back. Now, she is in desperate straights and now I say, "you didn't make it right the last time". I never missed the money.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 11-02-2014, 03:51 PM
You are an ATM to these girls Originally Posted by OldLRRP
Some more than others and there are plenty that make it a little less obvious.
  • EZ.
  • 11-02-2014, 04:33 PM
Some more than others and there are plenty that make it a little less obvious. Originally Posted by L.A.
Look, I'm always nice. They always ask me to come back but don't lose sight that this is a business transaction and you are just a John.
ManSlut's Avatar
The shitty ones think of us as ATM's OLRRP...The good ones think of us as customers in their restaurant and they know that if the food is crappy, the service is crappy and the menu sucks, we're not going back!
Look, I'm always nice. They always ask me to come back but don't lose sight that this is a business transaction and you are just a John. Originally Posted by OldLRRP
You were very sweet to me. A very nice true gentleman.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
It is with great reluctance I post this. I posted a thread some time back about a provider who did not provide a session that was paid for.
I had hoped she would make it up but months have passed with promises but no action.Many will claim she deliberately took advantage of my kindness and generosity with no intention to provide a session that day.It is possible.I was very specific and direct that if I drove that far, I expected a session.

I have given Carla many opportunities and time to provide a makeup session. She has not done so. In fairness, she did offer to return my money at one point.I declined because I would still have to spend a couple of hours driving and I really wanted the session, not the money. And, based on what I believed of her personal issues at the time, including being pregnant, I was reluctant to take the money back as she appeared to really need it more than I did. I did ask for a 90 minute session as the make up feeling that was fair. At first she agreed but later said no.

Carla, you are an extremely hot woman. Your sessions with me were great. I enjoyed your company as well. You did everything right to get me to see you and keep coming back. I was happy with the sessions and willing to see you as a repeat customer. I was happy to give of my time to help you with some things while I was with you.

But ultimately, I was not your boy friend; I was not a long time close friend. I was a client. While I enjoyed the personal, non-bcd aspects of being around you such as your company and helping you with things, ours was a business relationship. You took my money and failed to provide services. You have been given an extreme amount of time to make it up. This is not the first time clients have had issues with you. last time, you made a point of owning your shortcomings and would do better.This is part, was why I decided to go forward with seeing you.

Your personal situation is something I have great compassion and understanding for but that does not excuse your behavior. You got a couple of hundred dollars from me. You lost many times that amount by not taking care of business. I would have been happy seeing you weekly.I hate to possibly harm your business. But you cannot take advantage of people without repercussions.

You provide a great session. You can be a charming host. I had no problem recommending guys to see you for a session. But, you have to learn to take care of business.Until you do, you will continue to struggle. There is far more to being successful in this business than having a hot body.

Guys, she is great in bed. But if you are going to see her, be very specific up front about what you expect. And don't let her personal situation suck you in to giving more than you agree to before hand.

Sorry Carla, I wanted as long as I could for you to do what is right. And far longer than I should have had to. Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
+1000000 we written and I totally agree with you.
  • EZ.
  • 11-02-2014, 08:23 PM
You were very sweet to me. A very nice true gentleman. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
Thank you. I appreciate that. I really think you are stunning.
Chung Tran's Avatar
You were very sweet to me. A very nice true gentleman. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
Thank you. I appreciate that. I really think you are stunning. Originally Posted by OldLRRP
would y'all just get a room, you're making me want to hurl!

...In fairness, she did offer to return my money at one point.I declined because I would still have to spend a couple of hours driving and I really wanted the session, not the money... Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
Dayum, man...this one's on you. Is it too early to start handing out the whiner awards for 2014? This is a real cake taker here.

Put on your big boy panties and get over it. Call yourself out for being the poster child for a fool and his money soon parting ways, not calling out the ho for not making time for you. I don't even know the lady, but I do know only an idiot pays a hooker for something that isn't visible and tangible in the right now, and all you fuckers giving him an attaboy...awww we're sorry know that. If you let your dick make your decisions for you, it's gonna make some bad ones. When it comes to pussy and money being part of the same equation keep your hand on one till you have a hand on the other. "Don't Pay a Hooker or a Stripper In Advance" needs to be a sticky, not a daily topic of conversation.

You guys ALL know better than this shit, all of you, and yet the same mistakes pop up every day and you clowns expose yourselves to derision and the dunce hat corner every time. Good thing you didn't "loan" her your Mercedes or a Kenwood....
When ECCIE love goes bad.
Sorry someone pissed in your wheaties. No one is giving any one at a boys. No one is whining. somehow, I doubt you took the time to read the link to the related thread. The provider too k money then failed to complete the session. Then promised to make it up but did not. I thought this was the kind of information guys want to know.

Or are you disappointed I didn't just completely trash her like many would? Sorry to disappoint you.

Was I foolish to hand her money when her clothes were still on? Maybe. But you were not there and don't know the entire situation.

I am honest and give all the information so a guy can decide if my experience should affect their decision to see her. She is not a bad person. Her sessions were outstanding. She made a mistake and now others have that information. Use it as you see fit.
And, based on what I believed of her personal issues at the time, including being pregnant. Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
Haha - The things men do for titty milk!

Other than being a titty baby, I'm sorry this happened to you OBSG.
Haha - The things men do for titty milk!

Other than being a titty baby, I'm sorry this happened to you OBSG. Originally Posted by BrownSugarBaby
BSB, no one is more sorry than I am. The really sad part is because of this, I refused to help a young lady I have known and seen many times by giving her an advance. She wont see me any more now. Odds are she would have made good but getting burned tends to make you more careful in the kitchen.