What to do to celebrate this warm El Paso weather.

Vane4559's Avatar
It’s that time of the year for fun in the sun! Have a great day and stay cool
Good to have you back sweetie!
Vane4559's Avatar
Haven’t left yet.
Celestedoll915's Avatar
Where are you leaving to?
Vane4559's Avatar
He means Odessa.
amacurious1's Avatar
You should pack your bags and come back to Amarillo!
Celestedoll915's Avatar
Oooo when are you going to Odessa? I wanna go!!!
Vane4559's Avatar
@amacurious1 I can’t wait to get back there!
Vane4559's Avatar
@celestedoll Let’s go! In a few weeks.
amacurious1's Avatar
Well just make sure and leave room on your schedule for me! I know last time you were rushed so all the local guys missed out-definitely their bad luck! Would it be asking too much for you to bring Celestedoll with you??
Phrasing's Avatar
hoping lubbock
Vane4559's Avatar
I like these last two ideas!
IM me if in Lubbock this weekend