
DirrrtyOldMan's Avatar
Gina ( in Lubbock, and asking for referrals. I told her it would be easy if I could message her here, but apparently she has account issues, and I'm an un-trusting sort. I've literally never done that here. What's the preferred method, ladies? I know you are all sharing deets on favorite places to dine all the time, so let me know!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Being a member on any board is not a referral nor reference.
What she's looking for is a gal you've seen somewhat recently to say you're an ok guy.
I wouldn’t waste your time in her bro. So not worth it.
Phrasing's Avatar
What Jason said.....I saw her ad yesterday and thinks she looks good.....but when I researched her on here, all bad responses. yes she has 3 yes reviews, but if you read them, you would think different
I wouldn’t waste your time in her bro. So not worth it. Originally Posted by Jason2319