Sociel hierarchy

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Whether you like it or not. Whether you accept it or not. Whether you think it's fair or not, the fact is that,

. . . This world operates on a social hierarchy system.

Way back before the White Man invaded his land, the Native Americans understood social hierarchy and would carve out the standings of certain groups or deities on their totem poles.

That's probably how many wars and arguments got started back then and still do now.

Even in today's society, we have a social hierarchy system and you can't simply opt out if you don't like it, you are per force there somewhere if you live in this world. Somehow the ranking is vaguely assigned to you at birth and you either accept
it subconsciously or try to move up.

It's all based on your position at work, your income, your intelligence, your appearance, the kind of car you drive and numerous other things.

The criteria is somewhat different for men than for women, but it's still a complex ranking system that society imposes on you for early on and it keeps getting more complicated every year.

Naturally, everyone wants to be on top, but we're not all there and you can't simply start at the top. You start at the bottom and if you're lucky, you slowly work yourself up to the top by what you do and how you conduct yourself. How other's see you, by your popularity and many unseen factors.

. . . So where do you think you rank? Honestly, today.

Fast Gunn's Avatar
So why is everyone afraid to state their opinion?

I know it's a tough and delicate question, but you know you have at least a vague notion of where you stand in your heart of hearts.

The ranking system is fluid, very dynamic and complex with ever changing rules.

Some people seem to be powerful and doing great one day climbing the top, but then you discover that they stumbled for some foolish mistake and suddenly they tumbled to the bottom the next.

Exit stage left.

If you closely examine the animal world like I to do, you will find the too have a similar complex social hierarchy.

The alpha male of the group has mating privileges that the lower ranking ones do not.

The alpha male will be challenged by the young bucks every year until a new leader emerges and the cycle continues.

. . . Maybe that just is how evolution works. The most powerful males in the group are granted exclusive privilege of mating with the best females and that is how society as a whole passes on the better genes and society improves.

Carguy350's Avatar
It doesn't get more somewhere in the middle then a 30's small business owner just trying to stay afloat then myself.
ck1942's Avatar
There was an interesting news article recently about being happy by income.... said that most folks who make around $60-70K seem to be pretty good with their happiness index.

Here's a link:

I think much of the animal world has a lot more to do with Darwin (survival of the fittest) meaning the biggest most colorful male (dick size not a factor) than with "social hierarchy" in the hom sapiens world where it is definitely a principle that money can buy happiness.

Perhaps more folks might take the poll if "I don't care" were one of the poll choices.
cumalot's Avatar
A pop quiz again and I didn't study again...damn

The perfect Social hierarchy of things is best demonstrated by having a very dominate Mistress to keep you where you need to be....all the rest is just petty fluff next to her....ijs..... Live long, stay hard, and keep her pussy wet....gotta love the Sociel hierarchy.....this is the best I can do on short notice sorry...
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Since escorts are believed to be lower than a bottom feeder on a social scale, some of us might have a difficult time even WANTING to answer your question.

Also, saying that everyone starts at the bottom just simply isn't true. Babies born to wealth and status start on a completely different level than a child born to poverty.

Although I've spent decades going to symphonies, theater, traveling, etc., I don't feel that my social status is really that high. People with degrees are really a dime a dozen. (I think that it was MUCH higher when I was actually working in a moderately impressive job!)

Hence, this is probably some of the reasons why a lot of the ladies on this board don't feel comfortable answering your question. It's loaded and well, it is hard on the ego.

Many of the ladies that I know on this board have had some REALLY tough life experiences.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Of course, I knew that my question would be hard on some people, but I wanted everyone especially providers to find the courage to face the fierce demons in their lives.

Avoiding painful issues altogether is always easier, but it never helps you to advance. It also compounds the problem by making the demons appear larger and more fearsome.

In my endless pondering on the workings of the world, I have discovered that there is actually constant societal pressure on everyone to keep you down.

It's quite depressing, but only if you take it personally.

Don't take it personal, it's actually quite impersonal, like the force of gravity affecting everyone and everything alike.

Our obligation on this world, I believe is that accept that downward force, but then use it to become stronger like using gravity to lift weights!

Since escorts are believed to be lower than a bottom feeder on a social scale, some of us might have a difficult time even WANTING to answer your question.

Also, saying that everyone starts at the bottom just simply isn't true. Babies born to wealth and status start on a completely different level than a child born to poverty.

Although I've spent decades going to symphonies, theater, traveling, etc., I don't feel that my social status is really that high. People with degrees are really a dime a dozen. (I think that it was MUCH higher when I was actually working in a moderately impressive job!)

Hence, this is probably some of the reasons why a lot of the ladies on this board don't feel comfortable answering your question. It's loaded and well, it is hard on the ego.

Many of the ladies that I know on this board have had some REALLY tough life experiences. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Although I completely respect what you're saying, probably more than you know, dealing with demons on a public sex board probably isn't the proper way to face some hard reality checks.

What you wrote about people wanting to keep others down reminds me of the bucket of crabs parable. Or lesson. Or whatever. You don't have to ever keep a lid on a bucket of crabs because there will be other craps to always pull you down when you're trying to climb up.

Regardless, to have women come onto this topic and share something so personal, and so emotionally harmful, well it would surprise me if many did wish to participate.

No one wants to think of themselves in such a fashion regardless of the truths of the matter.

On a side note, it's easier to not think about this type of thing. I agree with you, again, on that. But self reflection and even moreso, self knowledge ... is a very difficult thing to achieve regardless of social presence (and age).

Asking these ladies to challenge themselves and admit to where they're at (socially) is really just not polite. And it's also, and I don't know how to say this, it's probably something that they just aren't in the position to do at this time.

As far as I'm concerned, even now at my advanced age, I'm always looking towards a different something. I've finally made a decision to take the proper steps to start working on my Masters and start a new job in a field that I don't wish to discuss because of well ... you know. It wouldn't be a wise thing to do. However, so many ladies don't have the advantages that I've had. Not to say that I've had that many but compared to some, I have.

And there ARE some women on this board that DO have some advanced social standings. I know that as well. But they're probably not going to be the type of woman to come into this topic and crow about it. They have a good sense of self worth and it's not just necessary for them.

When a woman is browbeaten down by societal mores, by family, by having mouths to feed when there isn't a spouse or "other" to help, the last thing that a struggling individual wants to think about it how low on the totem pole they are.

Just my thoughts on the matter.

Take care,

P.S. I voted in the middle.
I agree with you, we're all part of social hierarchies. However there are numerous heirarchies, some overlap and some don't, some you would want to be a part of and some you wouldn't.

That's the fun of it!

Chloe Kensington x
Rogue_Gent's Avatar
Social class is one of those taboo subjects that are not discussed in polite company. I, unfortunately, can't resist the subject. It is the elephant in the room that no one will acknowledge is there, however, I do hear some noise about "the 1%".
Roothead's Avatar
at the risk of being called a snobby arrogant sob asshole, (which I have been called many times in the past 25 yrs), after 25 yrs of sacrifice, denial and/or deferral of material goods, along with massive amounts of self paid formal education and extensive experience living and working in Europe Asia, Middle East and C/S America, my family is soundly in the 1% that the media has over zealously perpetuated upon the public.... we came from very humble lower middle class families and were simplemindedly focused on getting ahead - we earned it and it is what it is... that said, I worry about my kids thinking that a good life is something they are entitled to.....
Between lower/middle, really depends on who you ask. I grew up VERY POOR but am not ashamed of it. I can fit in at a shot house or art gallery.
Roothead's Avatar
one more thing - while financial resources is one way to look at the manifestation of "social hierarchy", I can truthfully say that many more of the assholes I know and do not care for are at the top of the heap - I still try to recall my blue collar roots and act accordingly - show respect, hold the door, say please and thank you, be polite to women and children, smile when looking at people, break the ice and talk to others and help out when and if you are able to.... and turn the other check many times cause it is often a waste of time to bother with some people
Roothead's Avatar
every person, should be treated with respect, until they prove they are not worthy of it.... my next door neighbor is a retired CEO of one of the largest auto and truck rental organizations in the world - it is a very well know name..... he is AA.... smartest nicest man I have met in a long time - worldly but down to earth - same with his SO and children - I am fortunate to have them for a neighbor - the folks living on the other side of me have not even bothered to wave hello.... so I stopped trying....
Roothead's Avatar
ok, I am now off my soap box - sorry for hogging the thread