To nude, or not to nude? That is the question...

I recently had a photo shoot with an AMAZING photographer. I was changing outfits between a shoot, and he stopped me dead in my tracks and said there was no way he was letting me leave without shooting me just the way I was in that moment. I had only a tie draped across my shoulders. I told him that it was ok because I don't do nudes. He asked me to trust him to take a few pictures even if I kept them for myself. So, I figure WTH? I'm paying for it, so I may as well see how it goes. Besids, a girl can never have enough pretty pictures ro admire, right?

The end result, for me anyway, is pure chocolate orgasmic bliss... After seeing the shot, I wanted to fill out my own booking form and request myself for an appt. Well, I showed the picture to a few trusted friends (male and female alike), and they all think I should publish the photo on my site. Now, I'm not completely against nude photographs if done tastefully and with class (and I DO undrstand that everyone's defenition of taste/class differs as well). But, I have never had the intention of publishing a nude photo of myself either. I mean, it's not like I NEED to because guys have NO issue doing what it takes to see it in the flesh. While I WOULD like to gloat a little (it's freaking HOT!!!), I would hate to turn off my friends/potential friends.

My question for you guys is does it change your view of a lady if she decides to post nude photos of herself? Ladies, have you published nude photos only to notice a negative reaction from the guys you intend to attract/have attracted in the past?
whitechocolate's Avatar
Lovelyelle, your nude body photo is probably incredibly hottttt so you need to let us see it. I love seeing a nude photo of a provider and am much more likely to schedule with her if the nude shot is very hotttttt and enticing
You did not let me view the pics. FTR I am willing to look and give my opinion I do thinck you can take nude pics in a classy way. Just read any play boy for me it adds to the anticipation
Cpalmson's Avatar
From a guy's perspective, I like "tasteful" nude pics. I don't care for the Hustler type "glory" shots-- just something that is artful and reveals the true beauty of the woman in the photos. In the end though, it is up to you and you comfort level.

BTW, did your photographer give you all the photos? Did he delete/destroy any second copies (real or digital)? Did you sign a release of any sort? I only mention this because there are some unscrupulous photographers who will take nude shots for later personal use. It reminds me of an old WKRP in Cincinnati episode where Loni Anderson's character is take advantage of by a sleazy photographer. Just be careful.
Tasteful nude pics are good, as CPalmson said. No open spread shots though, and I prefer only breasts showing or having a hand in front of the pubic area. Leaves more to the imagination. But my preference really is just having lingerie or a sexy dress on...that way, it tantalizes, but leaves the imagination open. My black and whites are primarily nude, but blurred considerably.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-26-2012, 04:34 PM
Sensuality, class, building anticipation. These matter to me.

Nude or not really doesn't make a difference.

I have seen increadibly hot photos of a lady with only her face uncovered (I think the green-eyed Afghan woman on the cover of National Geographic years ago is one of the most sensual wonem's photos ever, and it's all in the eyes). And I have seen nudes that make me scratch a lady off my list. A well done, well composed photo of a beautiful lady (you for example) is a wonderful work of art.
Still Looking's Avatar
Nude is good!
pyramider's Avatar
Bend over.

Its amazing "bend over" works so well with so many topics ... amazing ...
BTW, did your photographer give you all the photos? Did he delete/destroy any second copies (real or digital)? Did you sign a release of any sort? I only mention this because there are some unscrupulous photographers who will take nude shots for later personal use. It reminds me of an old WKRP in Cincinnati episode where Loni Anderson's character is take advantage of by a sleazy photographer. Just be careful. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Yes, I got all photos and rights to photos. He never even downloaded them to his computer. We used my laptop, and we erased the pictures from his memory files before disconnecting the camera from it. If he still has them, he must have done some super swift swiping as I blinked, lol.

Nude is good! Originally Posted by Still Looking
But, what about the SL T-Shirt???

Sensuality, class, building anticipation. These matter to me.

Nude or not really doesn't make a difference.

I have seen increadibly hot photos of a lady with only her face uncovered (I think the green-eyed Afghan woman on the cover of National Geographic years ago is one of the most sensual wonem's photos ever, and it's all in the eyes). And I have seen nudes that make me scratch a lady off my list. A well done, well composed photo of a beautiful lady (you for example) is a wonderful work of art. Originally Posted by Old-T
I agree, Old-T. That National Geographic cover of the green-eyed woman was gorgeous.
I'm probably going to be hollered at, but here is my two cents on this subject. Lets break it down. Photos of providers are sales tools. That's what they are, there not art, they aren't intended for the family scrapbook. if done correctly they are a valuable sales tool. This is what initially sparks the interest of the prospective client. If he is visually interested then he goes on to read reviews and make his selection based on what his perception of the provider is. Its really no different than buying a car or anything else. I personally like to see a little vag, not distasteful, just a glimpse, somewhere between what is normally being displayed at this present time and a Playboy photo shoot. In marketing its location, location and I like to have some idea of what the location looks like, again tastefully I'll go with a provider who is showing a little vag over one wearing her bathing suit any time. Its your call, remember Playboy was a T&A publication before Penthouse magazine came along, it changed the whole marketing concept in men's magazines.
Still Looking's Avatar
But, what about the SL T-Shirt???
Originally Posted by Lovelyelle_01
The guys want me to buy "smaller" T-Shirts LOL. I thought we were talking about you. I would NEVER cover YOU up in an SL T-Shirt... well maybe just for a quick photo opp, but then it would get ripped off!
Still Looking's Avatar
Tasteful nude pics are good, as CPalmson said. No open spread shots though, and I prefer only breasts showing or having a hand in front of the pubic area. Leaves more to the imagination. But my preference really is just having lingerie or a sexy dress on...that way, it tantalizes, but leaves the imagination open. My black and whites are primarily nude, but blurred considerably. Originally Posted by alluringava
You and Lovelyelle need to understand something.... HOT doesn't blur very well! Ugly seems to blur just fine!

And while I'm here.... Lovelyelle, I've taken freeway off ramps shorter than those sexy legs of yours! DAMN!
You and Lovelyelle need to understand something.... HOT doesn't blur very well! Ugly seems to blur just fine!

And while I'm here.... Lovelyelle, I've taken freeway off ramps shorter than those sexy legs of yours! DAMN! Originally Posted by Still Looking
I don't do body blurs or any type of editing for that matter. I blurred my face in my first set of photos, but I decided to crop my face out of these.

And while I'm here, if you think my legs are something, you should see where they end...
Still Looking's Avatar
I don't do body blurs or any type of editing for that matter. I blurred my face in my first set of photos, but I decided to crop my face out of these.

And while I'm here, if you think my legs are something, you should see where they end...
Originally Posted by Lovelyelle_01
How about a T-Shirt and a Sugar Cookie?

LovelyElle,I think you should do what is comfortable for you.I have done nudes before and I guess if there was negative issues or talk of them it was not to my knowlege.I did however do a few nudes in print previously. I did 2 calendars for a Gentlemans Club but they were a classy shoot like the Playboy posed types not spread open legs....The other was a soft core girl solo and it was done the same but showing a little more.

I like Implieds the best...I am sure if you are comfortable posting or publishing the photos you will have a positive feedback.