British Intelligence is about to ID the POS that beheaded Foley

How long before you think we hunt him down and kill him?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
don't say that. These happy assholes won't be happy with that...
Six Weeks tops. Now the second question how many people will die in the process?

How long before you think we hunt him down and kill him? Originally Posted by timpage
Who is "we?" Last I heard, this was an FBI investigation. Does the FBI command strike drones now?

don't say that. These happy assholes won't be happy with that... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Who are "these happy assholes?" Are you speaking of your Austin Reacharound Crew Compadres?

If he meets a messy death, I'm good with it. From the reports I've seen, we don't have good intelligence on the ground. That's why we could not rescue Foley or kill Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - but things change.
Six Weeks tops. Now the second question how many people will die in the process?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Depends on how many of the fucktards are riding in the vehicle with him.
Depends on how many of the fucktards are riding in the vehicle with him. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Are you referring to the participants in this search and destroy mission as a bunch of Fucktards?

Are you referring to the participants in this search and destroy mission as a bunch of Fucktards?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
LMAO no hope for you is there no jo. Without pictures you guys are lost. I am just going to let you puzzle it out.
LexusLover's Avatar
Without pictures you guys are lost. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Projection. "We" who post pictures for you are just trying to keep you ...

.. up to speed with your coloring book mentality.

Eventually, you should graduate to coloring by numbers not lines.

Projection. "We" who post pictures for you are just trying to keep you ...

.. up to speed with your coloring book mentality.

Eventually, you should graduate to coloring by numbers not lines.

Eventually. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Appears like you didn't understand it either lexie lacking. Or are you just wanting to vent some of your childish bull shit? 8-5 you still can't stay within the lines.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
You Libs are idiots.

Going after that guy is like going after the Japanese pilots that bombed Pearl Harbor.

And just like BO..ya'll thought it was all over once OBL was dead.

You Libs have 2 big problems:

1) Enemy identification.
2) Once you get your nose bloodied you lose your will to fight.
boardman's Avatar
We've Identified Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and haven't managed to kill him yet.

Maybe that's why we traded those bastards for Bergdahl. We knew who they were so now we can kill them on the battlefield.
You Libs are idiots.

Going after that guy is like going after the Japanese pilots that bombed Pearl Harbor.

And just like BO..ya'll thought it was all over once OBL was dead.

You Libs have 2 big problems:

1) Enemy identification.
2) Once you get your nose bloodied you lose your will to fight. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
You need to meditate on this one some more O wise one.....

Entering what? Our 13th year in Afghanistan? Boots on the ground back in Iraq while we lay airstrikes on ISIS? POTUS is pondering strikes in Syria?
Lost the will to fight? I don't think so.
And, hunting down and killing that psycho animal who cut off Foley's head is one of those things that just has to get done. No matter how long it takes.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-25-2014, 08:55 AM
And, hunting down and killing that psycho animal who cut off Foley's head is one of those things that just has to get done. No matter how long it takes. Originally Posted by timpage
LexusLover's Avatar
#1: Has it been "confirmed" when he was actually killed (date)?
#2: Is it "confirmed" that the killer is even still alive?

All I've seen reported is the identity of the victim and the killer.

And does our President even know if the 2nd journalist is still alive?

Pearl was killed within a month of captivity. Supposedly.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
You need to meditate on this one some more O wise one.....

Entering what? Our 13th year in Afghanistan? Boots on the ground back in Iraq while we lay airstrikes on ISIS? POTUS is pondering strikes in Syria?
Lost the will to fight? I don't think so.
And, hunting down and killing that psycho animal who cut off Foley's head is one of those things that just has to get done. No matter how long it takes. Originally Posted by timpage

You should read what you write.

War IS A TEST OF WILLS my friend. Being in Afghanistan for 13 years is totally irrelevant.

Setting a time to end it IS losing your will to fight. Saying 13 years is long enough and then declaring victory and going home is not how you win wars. If you want support from me to ever go into battle again, with you as Americans don't change your fucking mind half way through it and claim someone lied to you and leave us with another fucking war to fight. If you want to go to war then go in to send them all to hell. Killing one guy or having limited airstrikes, or giving Ukrainians socks and MRE, drawing imaginary red lines and then thumping your chest like you've done something isn't going to do it. Good grief..we haven't even given the Kurds one fucking bullet yet.

Give me Nukes, water boarding and 100,000 gallons of gas and we'll put an end to this shit.


And I don't care if you women and homos want to participate in all the fun either. As long as you can be trained into being murdering bastards...then welcome aboard.