Star Wars

Who's gonna go see the new movie?
  • BSer
  • 12-09-2015, 09:51 AM
This guy
Me too.
bolaman1975's Avatar
Who's gonna go see the new movie?
wow....i'm what 12 or 13???
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 12-10-2015, 10:45 AM
wow....i'm what 12 or 13??? Originally Posted by bolaman1975
Cmon dude, some of us are still young inside.
Thanks Devo
bambino's Avatar
Emeril will. Maybe he'll take BSer, his new courtesan.
raemonj's Avatar
Word on the street is that all theaters are sold out through around January 6th or 7th. Crazy huh. I'll wait till the dust settles and go toward the end of January. I still remember when I went to see episode VI back in 1977.

So here's the real question besides the obvious of going to see Star Wars, which provider would be a good one to take with me to see it for some extra fun either before, during or after the movie.
Word on the street is that all theaters are sold out through around January 6th or 7th. Crazy huh. I'll wait till the dust settles and go toward the end of January. I still remember when I went to see episode VI back in 1977.

So here's the real question besides the obvious of going to see Star Wars, which provider would be a good one to take with me to see it for some extra fun either before, during or after the movie. Originally Posted by raemonj
Theaters aren't sold out down my way. If I was to ask a provider to accompany me I think I'd ask Minka, if she was interested. I'm impressed by her recent posts, along with her showcase
  • BSer
  • 12-11-2015, 09:50 AM
If all theaters were sold out for 3 weeks from the debut the movie would already be looking at a billion dollar box office already. Thats impossible. Most midnight showings on 12/18 are sold out as well as a few through the first weekend.
  • BSer
  • 12-11-2015, 09:53 AM
Just checked fandango, 11pm 1215am Thursday 12/17 into Friday showings seats still available.
Just checked fandango, 11pm 1215am Thursday 12/17 into Friday showings seats still available. Originally Posted by BSer
I got my tickets thru fandango for 12/19. 7:30
Emeril will. Maybe he'll take BSer, his new courtesan. Originally Posted by bambino
who's Emeril ?
Hematoma's Avatar
I'm there. Can't wait. Tickets for next Thursday.