Photography and video services

  • EricS
  • 09-11-2018, 01:32 PM
Hopefully this is the right forum for this! But definitely trying to branch and connect with more people so I’m offering my videography and photography skills to any providers needing some promotional materials whether it be photos or video. I’ve never done this type of work but I’ve been in the business for 8 years and have top notch, high quality equipment and done a ton of great work, a lot of which has been on television, etc.. I won’t post any links here but if you’re sereiously interested in taking advantage of working together I could show my portfolios and give you more info. Maybe we could trade or barter! Looking forward to working with and meet some of y’all!
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You'll probably be referred (or this post moved to) the Business Services forum:
  • EricS
  • 09-11-2018, 04:40 PM
Didn’t even know that one existed haha sorry about that! Thanks for the info!