You sore at me CPalm?

hotrix1's Avatar
Justify why you levied 10 pts. for something I had no way of knowing was an accidental outting by Falconbravehawk?
Since I reposted what consisted of an email address that wasn't in private. No violation there. How would you expect me to know that it was a real guy's email? So how was that worth 10pts? You post it, you own it, right? So how overzealous were you at dispensing punitive points? BTW, how about informing the rest of the tards that the edit was done with a Staff edit marker so they know what I'm talking about? Eh, Cp?

I'm taking it rather personal because there's no other way to take it. So is it because I chap your hide? Do we really want to take this up with the powers that be in Modtardville?

How about an answer?
Precious_b's Avatar
Probably, as applied to this site, "Ignorance of the law is no excuse."

I got one here or some other place on the Third Coast. Somewhat minor like yours. But I didn't complain about it since it was applied evenly and technically correct.
hotrix1's Avatar
If it had been a deliberate repost of an obvious outting sure. No problem. But it wasn't the case in this particular instance. Cp's retaliation because I chapped his ass? WTF?

How the hell are you b? Hadn't seen you around in a while.
OldFloridaDude's Avatar
Well I was all set to break out the drama Llama but then a thought occurred.... I was told by a mod in another thread that outing IRL info of a non member was not a foul.

So I assume the deleted email in question belonged to a member ?

If not, then a clarification would be in order
hotrix1's Avatar
Now if we can just get down to the bottom of this. Is this selective enforcement?

What does the rest of the Panhandle think?

How about you Falconbravehawk? Was the dude even an eccie member?
Do you want more points?

That's how you get more points.

Life goes on. You're making it worse.
How can one be sure that he assisted in the outing of a member or a non-member, it can only be an assumption who’s email that really was, but the op did clearly made a mistake, the second poster new it was an accidental outing but still reposted it.
hotrix1's Avatar
No cowboy, you back down to Nazi bullying if you want. Go mind your own sheep, Little Bo Peep. Can't take a bull by the horns? Of course not.
Precious_b's Avatar
If it had been a deliberate repost of an obvious outting sure. No problem. But it wasn't the case in this particular instance. Cp's retaliation because I chapped his ass? WTF?

How the hell are you b? Hadn't seen you around in a while. Originally Posted by hotrix1
Deliberate or not.....
Mine was just for non-explicitly making reference.

Otherwise, fine. Was down in Miami before the hurricane. I tell you, I was the ugliest guy in South Beach. And people probably wondered how I was with two of the hottest women around there.
hotrix1's Avatar
How can one be sure that he assisted in the outing of a member or a non-member, it can only be an assumption who’s email that really was, but the op did clearly made a mistake, the second poster knew it was an accidental outing but still reposted it. Originally Posted by bc1969
For one to presume they have the ability to read others minds from a distance bc. You must be psychic then. Guess how many fingers I'm holding up.
Laney Lixx's Avatar
I'm confused. You mean, we can be punished for SOMEONE ELSE'S MISTAKE??
I'm definitely not Kool with that.
You re-posted an email of what clearly was someone else's email(not the providers). I'm not exactly sure why you are complaining since you didn't get banned for it. You got a slap on the wrist as far as I'm concerned. Man up to the punishment and let it go.
OldFloridaDude's Avatar
A mod must have seen this by now...

So how about an answer on the member / non member info question ?
hotrix1's Avatar
You re-posted an email of what clearly was someone else's email(not the providers). I'm not exactly sure why you are complaining since you didn't get banned for it. You got a slap on the wrist as far as I'm concerned. Man up to the punishment and let it go. Originally Posted by yeswhatisit
As far as your understanding goes. It wasn't a "private" email in the ROS. Reposting what was open for all to see to begin with, be it a mistake or not shouldn't have been an infraction at all. Had it been in ROS, it would be reasonable. And this person's email being out there is of no consequence (at least, not within the guidelines) if he's not a member anyway.

Damn, had no idea there were so many sheep in the Panhandle. Meantime the Modtard in question posts a "review" of his UTR girlfriend but chooses to ignore this callout.

How about a legit answer here?
Laney Lixx's Avatar
