Black Friday Shopping Do You Do It ?

LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Do you Go to the stores or on line ?

I only shop on Black Friday
If I need Appliances or some other big item's

nothing out there I need to fight the lines for
You have that right, we shop mostly on line now. Did it last year, finished in 1 hour! Let me know the next time you come to Dallas.
You have that right, we shop mostly on line now. Originally Posted by boujangles

yeah. Ain't worth getting trampled by a stampede of stupid people just to get a deal on something.

Buy it online and have it delivered to your door.
LargeBreastFan's Avatar
I have so few to shop for, I just shop a little at a time.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
I'm coming on Dec 9th

You have that right, we shop mostly on line now. Did it last year, finished in 1 hour! Let me know the next time you come to Dallas. Originally Posted by boujangles
KissableMelissa's Avatar
I shop mostly online! I tried going to the stores one year and it was so not worth it!
WELL, went to Wally world tonight for an ace wrap for my knee and left with a computer...LOL does that count?
TexTushHog's Avatar
I’d rather strap on a bill and peck shit with the chickens than fight a crowd to shop anywhere, on any day. Shopping should be, to the extent possible, at the customer’s convenience or a pleasure for the customer. I do most of my shopping on line. But to the extent I don’t, or can’t, I’ll go on some rainy weekday afternoon. Hell if I’m going to fight a crowd to (maybe) save a nickel.
I'd wait in line to get a 2019 Lincoln Navigator.....

…..if the first five people in the door could snag one for a hundred bucks.

Otherwise.....I wait in line (or put up with unruly crowds) to shop for absolutely nothing.
Precious_b's Avatar
Tried online for a new phone.
Unfortunately the deal I wanted required turning in another phone that was on their list I didn't have. *sigh*
Hope the Note 9 is as good as reported.
dallasfan's Avatar
When you shoot videos of the store fights. Landscape mode fools.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I actually did this year but my family lives wayyyyy north of Dallas in a somewhat small town and that Walmart wasn’t even bad. Went right after dinner and was out by 6:30!
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I'd wait in line to get a 2019 Lincoln Navigator.....

…..if the first five people in the door could snag one for a hundred bucks.

Otherwise.....I wait in line (or put up with unruly crowds) to shop for absolutely nothing. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Damn those are nice!!
pyramider's Avatar
I took my mom Black Friday shopping about ten years ago. I died a thousand deaths that day. A couple had a dog pillow for $60, on sale. I made a comment that they could buy the same pillow at Tractor Supply for $10. He thanked e and put the pillow back, his wife shot me the look of death.