Getting A Bad Review....Even IF U Didnt see The Client.....Right Or Wrong??????

I recently had a bad review...but the session never happened..i do admit it was akward,About 2 min. before my client was to arrive there was knock at the door to my surprise it was my landlord , as i was talking to him i saw that my client was walking up,i kinda gave him the OMG look and shut the door.As soon as he left i text my client to let him know that i was Very Very sorry and for the inconvience i would give him a half price session. he just wanted to know how much it would be......the dates of his review are wrong he put the sesion happened on the 28th but in fact it was the same day he posted this review the oct.1....this may seem petty to some but its about the princability of the ? Is it right to review someone you never had a session with?
trynagetlaid's Avatar
That shouldn't have been a review, as no activities took place. You can contact a mod and have it moved to Coed. Then you can give your side of the story.
I'll take his half price session if he doesn't want it LOL.
MARTlAN's Avatar
I'll take his half price session if he doesn't want it LOL. Originally Posted by Austinfunandfit
And I will take the other half...
Now thats funny stuff.....and dont care what they
You were wise to bring this to Coed. You are absolutely correct that if this is what happened there is no way in hell there should have been a review written unless some form of fee was paid.
It is also something that other mongers will keep in mind the next time this guy posts a review. Mongers not only look at the review, they also consider the credibility of the reviewer especially when that reviewer has only 1 post and 1 review.
Pm Ztonk or Spacemtn!
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 10-04-2012, 10:30 PM
That shouldn't have been a review, as no activities took place. Originally Posted by trynagetlaid
Just a minor point of clarification... you can write a review if you meet the lady in person. I wasn't there, but it appears from the description here that they at least made eye contact. Since no activities took place, the review isn't eligible for Premium Access credit.

(If a gentleman doesn't meet the lady, as in the case of a no call/no show - NCNS, we move it to Coed, as you can't review someone you didn't see.)

OHHHHHHHHHH Boy! Gonna be a boat load of reviews after the social....Just no Premium Access credit!


Still Looking's Avatar
It's BULL SHIT or CHICKEN SHIT! Take your pick!
You guys are way to over reactive. Did anyone read the review? Two of you did and you commented on his side in that one.

Get a grip guys and maybe some of you grow a pair. Typical he said/ she said b.s. I tend to lean more towards the hobbyist in those cases. After all who likes their time being wasted. Her story leaves out things in his. Do your research fellas and stop being such kiss ups.
You guys are way to over reactive. Did anyone read the review? Two of you did and you commented on his side in that one.

Get a grip guys and maybe some of you grow a pair. Typical he said/ she said b.s. I tend to lean more towards the hobbyist in those cases. After all who likes their time being wasted. Her story leaves out things in his. Do your research fellas and stop being such kiss ups. Originally Posted by homer13
Thus why I stated "IF that is what actually happened" but also the hobbyist having 0 board history, 1 post and only 1 review of a non encounter factors into the equation.
It's not so much about having balls as common sense. They both seem to agree they never actually met aside from eye contact so I'm not sure what the he said/ she said part is.
Okay, I once posted a "didn't occur" review. Fortunately I was a) hammered on by lots of people, b) lectured (politely) by one of the mods on where it was supposed to go (no, not there) and c) very, very apologetic about the crap review. Especially after what turned out to be an incredible session. If this happened as she said, she'd get a WTF text or PM before I reviewed.