What’s the highest priority for you when considering a provider?

A curious mind wants to know...

What’s the highest priority for you when considering a provider – good looks, intelligence, sense of humor, reviews, or something else entirely?
stimulatethemind's Avatar
For me, intelligence and sense of humor are very high on the scale. I would typically check out her website and her postings here as my initial homework. Yes, she must be physically attractive to me, but remember, the mind is the most sensual organ in the body.
speeedracer's Avatar
this probably may seem shallow, but it's gotta be her looks. especially her eyes
RedLeg505's Avatar
Like Speedracer, I hate to be shallow but.. the P411 Bio/Showcase pics are what first catch my attention. That's the trigger to make me stop and then start the research. Showcase, Bio, menu if any, reviews, links to own web page, etc is the process that either ends in me contacting, or then moving on.

And Ladies? its not whether the pic is professional glamour or phone/mirror pic, its how you present yourself. Can I just say.. ducklips.. are a no go. Too much like BP.
LA Man's Avatar
Sense of humor, able to carry on an intelligent conversation, physical and mental attraction.

If I sense that the provider would not enjoy the time together it's a no go. Best looks and reviews in the world do nothing if you show up and she is more interested in checking messages and how soon you'll be done. Jacking off envisioning a good time is better than that!
Arverni's Avatar
It's the whole package not any one thing in particular. Some girls will be heavy on good looks and you want to see them ... other girls will not be that good looking but you get a sense from her ads she's a really cool chick.

It's men we're talking about here. We're programmed by evolution to find SOMETHING good about every female and jump on her!!
pyramider's Avatar

Attitude. I look at how she posts. If the lady is playful I can be interested. I have seen a lot of women, in real life and the hobby, and if you put them in a room together their attitudes would be the common characteristic. Attitude trumps all for me.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
For a man, feminine beauty is always the front door.

But after that, her attitude will entice you further inside if it's good or drive you away if it's bad.

If you can develop good chemistry then she will have my undivided attention, but that is where fate comes in. It just happens or it doesn't.

. . . I've had more enjoyable times with average looking girls who were attentive and considerate than with really hot girls who had an uppity attitude.

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-23-2013, 06:50 PM
Attitude/personality is what attracts me. If those aren't there I never get to the rest.

Great attitude and average everything else can still be a fantastic date.
RedLeg505's Avatar
Attitude/personality is what attracts me. If those aren't there I never get to the rest.

Great attitude and average everything else can still be a fantastic date. Originally Posted by Old-T
Might I ask how you judge the attitude/personality? I know you get that after you meet. But when picking a provider you've never met before, are you making the judgement from their posts? How they write their BIO in their Showcase or P411?

What source material do you use to make that judgement before you meet them for the first time?

Just curious since so many are citing attitude and personality as selection criteria.
Uh, menu? No DFK, no DATY, CBJ, means no go for me.

All the rest is accurate, too. My best experiences have been with women I felt like I got to know a little better from reading their posting style.

Oh, and while price isn't a big determinant for me, it is for a lot of people. I'd bet price is number one for most men.
haha, give it some time proudoftexas..

I look for sexy bathroom cell phone pics and proper duck face presentation
awl4knot's Avatar
I feel a bit sheepish and shallow to be offering this, but I want great sex. You know - hot deep kisses, a sensuous and erotic blow job and hard and heavy copulation. Of course she has to be reasonably attractive and have a reasonably nice personality but I'm there for the sex first and foremost. The rest is a bonus. And luckily most of the ladies see are true sweethearts so it all works out. And don't forget a fair price.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-23-2013, 08:00 PM
Might I ask how you judge the attitude/personality? I know you get that after you meet. But when picking a provider you've never met before, are you making the judgement from their posts? How they write their BIO in their Showcase or P411?

What source material do you use to make that judgement before you meet them for the first time?

Just curious since so many are citing attitude and personality as selection criteria. Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Reasonable question, and I suspect the answer will differ among the guys.

For me it's her posts that usually first attract my interest. Then I'll look some more: her web page, any blog she has, her profile, comments others make about her attitude in their reviews.

Add in PMs back and forth, and how she responds to a long e-mail or three. Put it all together and I can usually have a pretty good feel.
canuckvic's Avatar
I have a must for menu items; lfk/dfk and daty
only physical feature is real tits, after that it's up to her service and attitude if I come back