Anyone still out and about?

Blonde Barbie's Avatar
Anyone still seeing providers? Or has the flu scared you away?
Yes, I am freaking out. I want to see the paper proof of you are clear of corona free.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I'm taking a few weeks off from this world. Self-isolating.

If all of this is just an issue of people being very paranoid, then that's fine.

I'd rather be safe than sorry. And of course, as soon as I make this very personal decision for myself, the phone starts to ring.

Murphy's Law and all.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-16-2020, 11:39 AM
Hookers are the only ones not worried about what's going on, the ones that show concern are still trying to pick up tricks which makes no sense, I'm not too worried but I'm not sucking strangers cocks either.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Hookers are the only ones not worried about what's going on, the ones that show concern are still trying to pick up tricks which makes no sense, I'm not too worried but I'm not sucking strangers cocks either. Originally Posted by BLM69
In defense of my fellow sex workers, many (if not most) aren't able to not stop working for a period of time. Sex work, in general, has been slower for many since the FOSTA, etc., mess.

Heck, it's very difficult for me but have a feeling that a lot more people have this virus than we know. I mean, there hasn't been any testing done or very little, right?

And being in that 60 something group, feel that it's prudent to stay put for the next few weeks and just see what transpires.

Believe for most people, it's alright to work and go forward and take precautions suggested by the health officials. Life cannot stop. At least not this moment.

I don't like being confined being a free spirit and all. But there are those of us who are self-isolating and was curious if any others are as well.


P.S. Yes, I agree. Being intimate with strangers might not be the best course of action if one can avoid it. Drats!
DownForWhatever's Avatar
This may lead to whole new fetish category
ManSlut's Avatar
In defense of my fellow sex workers, many (if not most) aren't able to not stop working for a period of time. .... Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
I think that was the point he was making, in his cynical way, but, I could be wrong.

But your use of a double negative should be corrected to, “...aren’t able to stop working for a period of time..”
Edge_XIII's Avatar
Gets much worse may start doing my own handy with mask, rubber glove AND cover!!!
Still twice as many deaths each year with the flu then COVID19.

PM me if you're still working
Sherry of DFW's Avatar
statistics from the CDC--
-in 2019, 39 MILLION americans got the regular flu, 250,00 had to be hospitalized, 14,000 DIED---not a word in the media about this-
--BUT as of today, march 18, 100 deaths in USA from corona, and entire country is shut down--
--crisis is CAUSED by scare fed by the media
US population is 365 million, as of today, (just On News) 3,600 cases --100 deaths---those who died were in bad health any way, mostly elderly---so 3,500 RECOVERD-----does not anyone out there have any COMMON SENSE? entire country in falsely induced panic
statistics from the CDC--
-in 2019, 39 MILLION americans got the regular flu, 250,00 had to be hospitalized, 14,000 DIED---not a word in the media about this-
--BUT as of today, march 18, 100 deaths in USA from corona, and entire country is shut down--
--crisis is CAUSED by scare fed by the media
US population is 365 million, as of today, (just On News) 3,600 cases --100 deaths---those who died were in bad health any way, mostly elderly---so 3,500 RECOVERD-----does not anyone out there have any COMMON SENSE? entire country in falsely induced panic
-"MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING"!!! Originally Posted by Sherry of DFW
You are really not helping society. Statistic maybe still low but they are increasing fast. So many people are not tested. By the time illness symptoms show, it is too late and spread to many other people already. Which part of this don’t you get? Do you want U.S. to be like Italy or declare Marshall Law?

Since you posted, latest data is 6,519 confirmed and 115 death in U.S.
Since you posted, latest data is 6,519 confirmed and 115 death in U.S. Originally Posted by georgecam
134 people will die by suicide today

103 will die in a car accident today

I person dies of heart disease every 18 seconds in the US. Yet I don't see the government spending a trillion dollars for gym memberships and vegetables.

Posts and fear-mongering like yours don't do anybody any good.
Nicole Cox's Avatar
134 people will die by suicide today

103 will die in a car accident today

I person dies of heart disease every 18 seconds in the US. Yet I don't see the government spending a trillion dollars for gym memberships and vegetables.

Posts and fear-mongering like yours don't do anybody any good. Originally Posted by Cheburashka
Apples and oranges babe...apples and oranges..
suicide isnt contagious.
If your arteries are clogged I wont be having a heart attack for you.

corvid-19 is highly contagious and someone can have it for days and be spreading it without even being aware they have it.
Suicides require body bags and don't use up our hospital resources.
Nicole Cox's Avatar
Anyone still seeing providers? Or has the flu scared you away? Originally Posted by Blonde Barbie
People are still seeing providers. Things slowed down for me a couple weeks ago right about the time I started reconsidering seeing clients..

AND no the "flu" doesnt scare me away. I had two teenagers that tested positive forthe flu in my house this past winter and I had to take care of them and I continued to work and I never got the flu. My house is clean and I practice good hygiene. However, the fact that schools, businesses, malls, casinos, disneyland, and 6flags are closed coupled with the fact that I want to be responsible and do my part with the community to help get it under control so that we can go back to life as we know it and get our economy back track is what has me no longer providing until things are under control.
AND no the "flu" doesnt scare me away. I had two teenagers that tested positive forthe flu in my house this past winter and I had to take care of them and I continued to work and I never got the flu. Originally Posted by Nicole Cox
Have a great break Nicole. We wish you all the best. Everyone deserves peace of mind.