Oh no,...not another freakin' retirement thread!

I swore to myself that when the time came I would not post a retirement thread,...well.

This is going to be my last week in the hobby, for awhile, perhaps permanently., who knows.

Just got the biopsy results from the doc: stage 2 pancreatic cancer. It hasn't metastasized yet so I do have a chance of beating it. I start chemo and radiation next week, oh joy. I had to watch my late spouse go through this so I know the drill.

I will continue to log on to the board and try to post some humorous thoughts to keep from going crazy. Your thoughts and prayers are appreciated.

Well, I guess I don't have to bother waxing my junk anymore, lol.

I refuse to give up. There IS a light at the end of the rainbow.

I hate to hear that man, really do. I've known a few that have been done that road. My heart and prayers go out to ya.

Post on the board, use it as a way to take your mind off what you'll be dealing with. Most importantly just FIGHT!

Good luck man
steverino50's Avatar
He hears the prayers of sinners and I have offered mine. Good luck, best wishes and Godspeed.

You'll likely hear this 100's of times, but if one more time makes the difference, then so be it.

Stay tough. Keep the positive attitude you've shown here. The docs have said you have a chance to beat it. Mental strength, a great attitude with an optimistic outlook make all the difference. Take the best care of your body you can...even when you don't feel the strength to do so. This is a war...an all out onslaught against that invader. YOU CAN BEAT THE FOE WHO HAS TEMPORARILY INVADED YOUR BODY!

I've seen folks with high probability of beating cancer lay down and die; and I've seen those with less favorable odds rally to the cause, and beat sometimes formidable odds.

You can do it! Keep your friends and family close. You will triumph!
bigmike's Avatar
Sorry to hear this man. Stay positive and u will pull through. God bless.
I'm so sorry to hear this! As mentioned, stay positive. Keeping a healthy mentality will help you inside and out. My prayers go out to you!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I'm shocked to read this. Very much so.

All of my best wishes to you during this time.
Ms. Athena's Avatar
Hang in there. Take care of yourself physically and mentally...........You can do this!!!!
This is one of those retirement threads that one hopes to see an " I'm out of retirement and ready to boink!" a month or two later!!

Stay positive!! Thoughts and prayers !!

Who cares about the retirement?!? I just want to hear you kicked cancer's ass! Get healthy, sir. All our best to you. I hope the treatment ends up being 100 percent successful and painless.

200K's Avatar
  • 200K
  • 08-12-2012, 10:37 AM
Long Ron Silver, focus on getting better! Sorry to see the retirement notice.
rcg001's Avatar
Best of luck sir. Keep the faith.
LucadeJure's Avatar
Stay strong, sir ... pirates are made of stout stuff ... we'll see ya back at it in no time. Prayers and thoughts for you everyday.
Game on Bro! Fight the good fight as we are with you in your journey to reach that pot of gold at the rainbow's end.
KatieKatie's Avatar
Your tone isn't very positive and to get through it you need to be. Stay strong.
