HALLOW! WEENIE! 2015 edition

ck1942's Avatar
Off to a soft start with our "traveler hospitality hour" at 3 pm and our "soft opening" at 4 pm.

A dozen of us here now and many, many more pledged on the way.

Suspecting, I am, that some soft openings are currently offering hospitality as a pre-event adventure.

Any who, usual rules:

Attendees may announce their own presence but no one else's, please.

More updates to follow.
golfnwine's Avatar
Some nice eye candy but we need more
BigGuy13's Avatar
Nice to see some costumes.
ck1942's Avatar
39 so far, so we are maybe one third of there.

Definitely innovative costumes.

Someone asked, so here's the rule of thumb.

Peeps who arrive, depart and return are counted only once.

Gotta conserve on those name tags!

Willen's Avatar
Good luck. Wish I could make it.
ck1942's Avatar
72 and counting.

Maybe two thirds of rsvp's so far.

Travel time, pink eye, flu and some family issues have interrupted some folks' plans. Real World!

Door prize drawing in 29 minutes.
ck1942's Avatar
114 and counting.

Texts and pm's indicate more late arrivals and some returns are due.

"Door" prize went to the lady with the Ace of Hearts. She will self- identify, she said. No, pretty sure we will never see the prize in action here. But, elsewhere...

Meanwhile we are close to hitting the indicated attendance target of 125.
Cannot believe i couldn't make it. FMRL. Hope everyone had an awesome time.
Sooo fun!!
Chuck10's Avatar
I had a great time and meet many of our wonderful ladies.... Thanks CK for putting it together...
so awesome tonight had fun enjoyed meeting people anxious to get to know everyone better
The White Queen's Avatar
Nice to meet up with old friends as well as new. Loved little Red Riding Hood's basket of treats😉
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ck1942's Avatar
129 at the very end, including the three late arrival ladies and the one gent. who checked in toward the semi-official last call round.

Excellent ratio of ladies to gents, too. More than 60 ladies at last count.

Many different costumes and quite a few disguises some of which me at first, even second or third glance.

A hearty Well Done! to the ladies and gents who re-invented themselves so well.

Amazing community we share!
BigGuy13's Avatar
CK, nice job...
ambersilk's Avatar
I really enjoyed myself..I'm so glad I came... looking forward to coming back soon!