Identity theft?

TheDoc's Avatar
I never thought it would happen to me!
I don't really use much and I have a different handle there. Well it seems someone has registered the handle I use here on and has posted a review of a provider there that is... Let's just say she is not exactly my type. Here it is:
I just find it kind of interesting. I use TheDoc here and on several other boards. Now, I'm not saying this is a fake review, but I find it interesting that it seems a lot of that providers reviews are by guys with only one review.
What do you all think of this?
(mods, I'm not sure if I can link to another board here. If not, feel free to edit it out)
I saw this the other day and shared it with someone ... tee hee. But when I first saw it I tried to see this TheD0C's profile and it said it did not exist. I found that strange as well. Then thought well maybe ecom was just having problems. But I do find it very strange that they used your name as you are well known in that area with that id.

Oh and I did spit coffee on my computer screen when I first saw it as I know you like I do.
ElHombre's Avatar
Come on...we all know that it's a fake sad...
Sweet N Little's Avatar
gives new meaning to is there a doctor in the house
It sounds real suspicious to me
roboy25's Avatar
Interesting,,, most all the "other" reviewers are one time only reviewers....
Chellablaine's Avatar
Ive had things happen to me with identity theft on here as well. Another provider was using my name to get biz and services I do not offer(while I was taking a break and not paying attention to the boards or ads). Guess she thought I was totally gone or something. Kinda backfired on her though, when I got to meet the 2 guys they were like "wow your pretty." Apparently she wasnt.

Its sad that others feel the need to do this. And its not like anyone else will find out. Then they are screwing themselves out of business. Fake reviews are so obvious and in my case, created a large distrust of others because only a few knew I was taking a break and why--which was very personal. Thats just messed up.
Oh Doc, Come on and admit it. You have an evil twin.
WOW if so I would really like to meet him