Providers and discounts

texasmarine's Avatar
How many guys accept the offer of a discount if the lady offers one? The discount can be related to p411,number of ok's, previous client or whatever. Call me dumb, crazy, WK to all the ladies...sticks and stones, but please don't throw sticks and stones. I can only accept a discount from plumbers and mechanics because their prices are high enough, plus I don't what they're talking about anyway. Now don't get me wrong, if a business offers a discount and you take it, that's your right. I'm not saying it's wrong in any way to accept a discount if it's offered. Overhead for the ladies, whether they keep an apartment/condo or if they get a hotel room for a night, isn't cheap. Oversimplified example:
Guy books with lady for 1 hour at $200 donation at her incall which is a hotel. She's offering a p411 discount of $25 for members. The room costs $100/night. Basic math show she leaves with $75 for the 1 hour. Does this ever cross your mind to make you think to be more generous the next time you see her or anyone else, or is it a matter of "what will be will be" Que sera, sera? The ladies that keep permanent residences for consulting have rent and utilities. How many consultations do they have to have per month to cover expenses?
Now guys read this part carefully: I am not in any way trying to convince you into giving more money to anyone. Throw out your bad experiences, nobody wants to give them any more money or time. Think about your positive ones. Those of you that have seen Reese, Hotlips, Shea, SmittenKitten, Cameron0908 and all the other ladies with great reviews. For the record: These are the first names that popped into my head and I've yet to visit any of the ladies mentioned so don't throw any WK at me. I'll also admit that I didn't think about this until I visited someone in a hotel and realized what she was paying for it. I was a little disappointed that she wasn't able to keep 100% of what I gave her because she definitely earned it.
I know the ladies are the ones who choose what expenses they will incur, but I'm just wondering if the guys pay any attention to it. And remember what I said, I'm not against taking the discount if it's offered.
Please don't let this deteriorate into a kicking me in the groin session.
TexRich's Avatar
she would not offer a discount if she felt she could not afford to. and what makes you think a plumber or mechanic is any different? they have overhead to pay too. I never have a problem taking a discount from a provider just like they do not have a problem taking my money and a tip on top of it. its not required but appreciated both ways.
Int3rested's Avatar
Business props have value...
pmdelites's Avatar
my suggestion - dont overthink this whole sub-culture.
if you want to accept the discount, do so.
if you dont want to accept the discount, dont.

you'll never really know her overhead, her motivation, her financial balance sheet, etc.
so just follow yoda's mantra - "do or do not! there is no try!"

i appreciate and use discounts offered.
i bring small gifts, snacks, or beverages. i bring delites.

and i thank each and every woman that let's me into their world if but for an hour or two.
texasmarine's Avatar
I'm not overthinking, it was just something that popped into my head after my last appt.
Int3rested's Avatar
popped into my head..well said...
popped into my head..well said... Originally Posted by Int3rested



Popped into my head.....

I had a friend (hobbyist) who always said that you are paying more for the overhead than for the actual "time with the lady" which is why the good indy providers with nice incalls always have a much higher rate than say, a girl off of HH BLVD.

And it is true, much of your donation goes towards all the trappings and "bells and whistles" that you have come accustomed to having at a nice incall. Even if it's not a permanent incall but a hotel, it's all the same.

Sometimes when I run a special everyone who comes to visit ignores it and leaves the regular donation, which totally rocks. But I don't expect that to happen and I am always surprised and will send out thank-you's and what not so that it is known how much I appreciate it. Other times everyone takes full advantage of the special rate, and that is OK too. As providers we have to guage how much of a discount we can offer and still provide great service.

But yes, in a perfect hobby-world, I would choose to not run specials and always get my regular rate!
texasmarine's Avatar
Thank you Marla,
Guys, there's no right or wrong answer here. It's something that came to me the other day after leaving an incall. My personal preference is too not take the discount, but it's not wrong if you do and as Marla says, I'ts ok if you do because she ran the special. I guess this is for the guys that have an ATF, if your ATF was running a special would you take it or give her the entire donation. That's all I'm wondering.
I think most guys would take the discount if offered. When someone offers a special in any industry, the discounted revenue is always more than the absent revenue.
daty/o's Avatar
If my atf was running a special and I had the money, I would probably just spend more time with her. To me, that's a win-win.
I always appreciate a discount and it usually leads to my coming back. However, I realize that their are expenses. I don't like a cheap incall and knowing that the sheets have not been changed or that the towel may have someone else's cum on it.

The other day I saw one of the higher end gals and I realized that she is a higher end gal because of the superior service and the pride she takes in her incall. She had all the amenities. Her incall was in a secure gated complex. I was not worried about my car or being seen coming and going. She definitely had put some thought into her service. It is the amenities, the professional handling of her scheduling, and all the little touches that make her worth the extra money. I asked her permission and whipped out my phone and snapped some pics to illustrate the point.

Freshly changed sheets looked like a 5 star hotel bed.

Non-scented products to freshen up, shave, etc..

A shower just for the clients complete with body wash and shampoo.

Foamy soap and a nail brush so you can touch her like you want to:

Disposable toothbrushes, mints, and even some glucose tablets for the diabetics.

Lotions and other toiletries usually found only in my hotel.

An assortment of condoms for all sizes.

It was apparent she cleans the bathroom after every guest with all the cleaning supplies.

A robe for your comfort after changing out of your clothes along with hangers to hang your street clothes.

A fancy mouthwash dispenser with some shot glasses.

Brushing is encouraged. It helps your mileage.

With a five star incall like that, I realize that there are expenses and effort put into her business. To top it off, booking her through P411 offered the advantage of a discount. I appreciated it so much, I just left her the regular rate as a tip.

Experiences like this are special and take away the "dirty hooker" feeling when I see a woman in a chain motel. The place was immaculately clean and well stocked with beverages. You bet I appreciated the fact that a discount was even offered.
I for one never except their discount...ever. I don't know, call me crazy if you like. Oh well...

Trooper H
I used a discount once with a very well known, hot provider and actually felt a little guilty about it. I know I should not have, just me. I have never taken a discount except for that one time. Even though offering a discount is a good business practice, I feel differently about the ladies I chose to see.
-Guy books with lady for 1 hour at $200 donation at her incall which is a hotel. She's offering a p411 discount of $25 for members. The room costs $100/night. Basic math show she leaves with $75 for the 1 hour.-

I'm thinking she has the room for 24 hours and sees more than one of us to make it worth her while...if offered the discount I make it up in the tip. And the tip goes in the envelope beforehand, not after the session.