Muhammad Ali, dead at 74, simply 'The Greatest'..... RIP

And he truly was the greatest.
Ceremony's Avatar
Asked how he would like to be remembered, he once said: "As a man who never sold out his people. But if that's too much, then just a good boxer. I won't even mind if you don't mention how pretty I was."

God damn priceless.
Plastic Man's Avatar
good ...riddance merica hater
Have some respect for the dead you troll and go spew your hatered for everything elsewhere.
rooster's Avatar
There was a great story I read about the Champ once.

He was on an airplane and being his usual cocky, goofy self. The stewardess kept telling him to put on his seatbelt and he wouldn't do it. Finally he told her "Superman don't need no seatbelt." The stewardess fired right back with "Yeah, well Superman don't need no airplane either! Put on your seatbelt!"

And he did.

Plastic Man's Avatar
Have some respect for the dead you troll and go spew your hatered for everything elsewhere. Originally Posted by Angel T
hitter an stalin be ...dead so do ya respects ...them just draft ...dodgers who ...align themselves with militant ...hate groups an gots beatin people ...up
jokacz's Avatar
Does anyone even know, or care, who the current heavyweight champion (champions) is? Sad how boxing has fallen off the map. Not brutal enough for the 21st century, I guess. Great boxer, great personality, R.I.P.
There was a great story I read about the Champ once.

He was on an airplane and being his usual cocky, goofy self. Originally Posted by rooster
Great boxer, great personality, R.I.P. Originally Posted by jokacz
Seen the Champ three times back in college days, shook hands with him twice, when he was doing his 'CO status' anti-war thing after being stripped of his Championship for resisting the Draft. The Champ was very well spoken personable who got along with all in attendance....the hall was packed as expected! When his speech was done Champ always hung around after, mingling with us students, signing autographs, chatting and telling stories. Not a clock watcher who ran off stage getting ready for the next engagement.

Claimed to be a CO, which was not an easy route to take to resist the Draft back then.
Contrast this to what that blowhard gutless wonder Chickenhawk Trump did to dodge the Draft, by getting 5 deferments then saying a 'bone spur' on his footie made him 4F!!!..... just draft ...dodgers who ...align themselves with militant ...hate groups an gots beatin people ...up Originally Posted by Plastic Man

PM are ya really that clueless, or is this all an act, ya silly Cuck????....

If the above is yer 'criteria' no wonder Draft Dodger Chickenhawk chickenshit Trump who REALLY DID ALL OF THE ABOVE, be yer boy!!!.......

obnoxiousram's Avatar
Ali is the greatest. It was so sad how parkinsons took his voice away so the younger generation could have appreciated his wit. The man stood up for what he believed and beat the government to. Ali was not going to fight exhibition bouts for the troops and not allow the government to screw him with the bill when he came home like joe louis got screwed in world war 2.
jokacz's Avatar
Seen the Champ three times back in college days... Originally Posted by Celso
I saw him at the original Norton Student Union at U.B. South campus between classes, must have been 1966 or 67. I think he shook everyone's hand. Seemed like a real nice guy, not stuck up at all.

Not sure he was looking for CO status. He wanted to be exempt from the draft because he was a minister in the church of Islam. Which I guess wasn't recognized as a legitimate religion then, as now. Some things never change, when you're a right wing hater.
I saw him at the original Norton Student Union at U.B. South campus between classes, must have been 1966 or 67. I think he shook everyone's hand. Seemed like a real nice guy, not stuck up at all.

Some things never change, when you're a right wing hater. Originally Posted by jokacz
Yup that's where I saw him. Heck of a nice guy. None of that bombastic stuff he would do on TV, at weigh-ins before a match.

Yup, our Neanderthal knuckle-dragging right wing haters, as seen on this SHMB, haven't evolved a bit......

Plastic Man's Avatar
poor ol commie mary sad

...ya used ta drive yer fizzle ...flop chevy round buffalo lookin fer glory ...holes an now all ya do is drive ...round lookin fer a group of ...fellow progressives so ya can burn ...ol glory