**Anna's story** problems with my dentures

Well I am aware of some of the rumors going around about me, so I will address them from my side
weather or not you choose to believe me I do not mind but this is my personal business I don't even need to be sharing,
but I will because I want to clear the air I will.
I had a 'flipper' or 'bridge' however you would like to call it, which is similar to a 'denture' & is not permanent I was/and still am in the process of getting implants.
When I was 19 years old & four months pregnant (July 27th 2011) my daughters fathers birthday
I had a seizure at the auto parts store. I can feel when a seizure is coming on and I tried to walk out of the store to the curb to sit down,
because you men all know there is no seating in auto parts stores.(Advanced Auto) to be specific.
So I was going to sit down and had someone holding me and I just starting walking faster and I didn't make it, so I fainted and fell straight onto the tile or linoleum.
I shattered one front tooth and the other 2 to the left were 'out of their socket'
The dentist took them out and made a mold for my 'flipper', a 'flipper' is made of acrylic like fake nails so the dentist stressed the fact that they were for SHOW and not to actually eat food with.
I was not insecure about them at all, I would take them out to eat, and sleep, and etc.
Well one day I was with a client and I was eating a Turkey Club Sandwich on toast, so I did not feel comfortable with taking them out seeings how I was with a client.
When I had bitten into the sandwich I felt the flipper crack and a piece of it had broke. So it still fit just didn't stay in as strongly as it did before and it looked a bit crooked, this was ab 9 months after I started wearing my flipper.
Now fast forward to the present, about 2 weeks ago, possibly 3. I had swallowed them......
Now it is a story so funny that no one will believe unless they were there. My friend had even said "I wouldn't believe this story if I wasn't one of the people there'
I will tell 'ROS' (you men know what that means) privately hehe
I woke up in the middle of the night so dehydrated I went for a class of ice water and had taken a NyQuil liquid gel,
I assume as I threw the pill into my mouth it had knocked my teeth loose (at this time they had gotten worse and would come out even if I yelled at someone or used a word that required a FFFood lol) I was drinking the glass of water so fast that I had felt what I thought was an ice cube being swallowed.
I got back into bed and had realized 'OMG.....where are my teeth?!?!'
I looked a little bit for them, maybe they had fallen but I then realized when the chest pain wouldn't go away that it was my teeth I had swallowed.
I tried for 3 hours to force myself to vomit
My friend told me to quit and that if I kept doing that it could get lodged somewhere
So I eventually gave in and went to the hospitalhense the hospital band in the pic) and they did xrays to see if they were stuck in my throat or lungs and they were not so I had to wait for them to "pass"
My heart dropped! The doctor said she saw my blood pressure go skyhigh when she told me that. (it did!)
**Anyways I went to the dentist again and ordered a new 'flipper'
on the 3rd of January, I was told 7-10 business days and it will be in by next week since it didn't come today.
I do not know where your stories came from of what you may of thought happened but this is the truth and I hope I explained it understandably and I hope I didn't bore you with all the details.
I do NOT have an abusive pimp, and defiantlyNOT 29 although I would love to look like this at 29
Thank you for your time to read this non sense, like I said in the beginning it is up to you to believe me or not.
My personality makes up for my lacking in the 'grill' area, lol many of my men I see will vouch for that I love to please and I love to talk!

This must be a true story. No one would make something like this up!
Jbackslash's Avatar
Thanks for sharing annabanana.
Still Looking's Avatar
I thinck your totally AWESOME!

Thanks for sharing annabanana. Originally Posted by Jbackslash
Thanks guys, it is the truth. I want people to believe me, BC what they are saying isn't....
Must be true. When you swallow teeth you get chest pains.......
texasfeet's Avatar
hang in there girl, things will get better!
ffireman's Avatar
Thanks for sharing and for all of you guys
I have seen Anna BCD and also socially and I can vouch that she will take care of you and she is not a clock watcher. She will keep her appointments and is a good company. I believe we should support our local provider particularly those who are providing good value for our money.
Guest092815's Avatar
Aww, dear lady, that is pretty unpleasant. I'm sorry you are going through this.

Hang tough, and this too will pass.
