The politicians, MSM and Fox News are using COVID to divide the country. Don't listen to them.

  • Tiny
  • 02-13-2022, 02:16 PM
Take a look at the graph at the bottom of this page:

Each data point represents results of a seroprevalence (antibody) study. If you hover over the datapoints you'll see more info about each study.

As I understand it, if you've gotten the vaccination, you should test positive for antibodies to the spike protein. These are the light orange points on the graph. As of November, 2021, around 88% to 98% of Americans exhibited seroprevalence for the spike protein, depending on the study.

If you've been infected, you'll likely test positive for both nucleocapsid and spike proteins. Those results appear on the graph too.

So in November, 2021, the percentage of Americans with immunity from previous infection and vaccination probably exceeded 90%. What's happened since then? An Omicron wave that infected more Americans than any of the previous waves. Over 95% of Americans now probably have protection because of vaccinations and infection. Vaccine mandates don't really matter, because many of those who've been infected have better immunity than those who've only been vaccinated.

The Supreme Court has struck down Biden's proposed vaccine mandate for private businesses. The vaccine mandate for federal employees is now on hold because of court rulings. The Biden administration would have to get a favorable Supreme Court to remove the hold, and it's doubtful they'll try that.

Only six states now have mask mandates, California, Hawaii, Illinois, New Mexico, Oregon and Washington. I can't think of anyone on this board who hails from one of those states and who opposes mask mandates.

So why are CNN, MSNBC, Fox, and many politicians still howling about this? Answer: to sell commercials and raise money for PAC's. As a wise man, Salty Again, said, it doesn't matter any more. We can argue for the sake of arguing, and I'm as guilty of that as anyone here. But at this point this just serves to divide us. It's time to go back to worrying about real problems, like the national debt.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
They're shameless.

Fox is also spending an inordinate amount of time railing against competing media outlets.

They certainly know their audience!
LexusLover's Avatar
We can argue for the sake of arguing, and I'm as guilty of that as anyone here. But at this point this just serves to divide us. It's time to go back to worrying about real problems, like the national debt. Originally Posted by Tiny
It does MATTER! In my view of the world ANY TIME our government creates hysteria for political reasons and without factually correct foundations for the orders and mandates creating the hysteria, then it "MATTERS" to explore the basis for creating they hysteria and the reasoning behind it so it won't happen again.

Lives have been lost, the U.S. economy is in the toilet, people are jobless, businesses have gone bankrupt and closed, and our government and the sheep blindly following government have used their mandates to marginalize and tarnish reputations and status in their neighborhoods and communities. People have committed suicide, have been murdered, and assaulted with aggravation. And then there are disgusting pieces of humanity bragging about "getting rich" from the fabrication of a worthless medication now being given praise for ending the alleged pandemic that was converted into a method to defeat an effective President with a demented, worthless fool.

And you say ... "it doesn't matter any more" is "wise"?

Obviously, not to you, but it does to the victims. There are plenty!

You claim about a million .... as "reported".... friends, family, co-workers, and employing companies who have suffered as a consequence of the mandates and fear saturating our society.

Now that those in power have fucked themselves ... let's pretend it was all a joke, and meaningless, right?
Take a look at the graph at the bottom of this page:

Each data point represents results of a seroprevalence (antibody) study. If you hover over the datapoints you'll see more info about each study.

As I understand it, if you've gotten the vaccination, you should test positive for antibodies to the spike protein. These are the light orange points on the graph. As of November, 2021, around 88% to 98% of Americans exhibited seroprevalence for the spike protein, depending on the study.

If you've been infected, you'll likely test positive for both nucleocapsid and spike proteins. Those results appear on the graph too.

So in November, 2021, the percentage of Americans with immunity from previous infection and vaccination probably exceeded 90%. What's happened since then? An Omicron wave that infected more Americans than any of the previous waves. Over 95% of Americans now probably have protection because of vaccinations and infection. Vaccine mandates don't really matter, because many of those who've been infected have better immunity than those who've only been vaccinated.

The Supreme Court has struck down Biden's proposed vaccine mandate for private businesses. The vaccine mandate for federal employees is now on hold because of court rulings. The Biden administration would have to get a favorable Supreme Court to remove the hold, and it's doubtful they'll try that.

Only six states now have mask mandates, California, Hawaii, Illinois, New Mexico, Oregon and Washington. I can't think of anyone on this board who hails from one of those states and who opposes mask mandates.

So why are CNN, MSNBC, Fox, and many politicians still howling about this? Answer: to sell commercials and raise money for PAC's. As a wise man, Salty Again, said, it doesn't matter any more. We can argue for the sake of arguing, and I'm as guilty of that as anyone here. But at this point this just serves to divide us. It's time to go back to worrying about real problems, like the national debt. Originally Posted by Tiny
Are you just now figuring this out? Anytime Politicians ban together with the MSM over a politicized subject whether it be a Pandemic, Gun Control Immigration or Race the sole purpose is to Divide and Conquer the Masses.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Maybe only those states have mandates, but the school districts are still muzzling kids for no reason other than that they can.
  • Tiny
  • 02-13-2022, 03:11 PM
They're shameless.

Fox is also spending an inordinate amount of time railing against competing media outlets.

They certainly know their audience! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Agreed, many politicians and media talking heads are shameless.

Rand Paul really disappointed me. I donated to his campaign some years back, as he was the closest we had to a real Libertarian in the Senate. Now he's pushing for truckers to clog up U.S. cities, like what happened in Canada. A lot of sense that makes. This is not one of his finer moments.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
They're shameless.

Fox is also spending an inordinate amount of time railing against competing media outlets.

They certainly know their audience! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

you don't watch FOX so how would you know?

it's clear why the other media outlets are "demanding" FOX be taken off the air. and they are. not only is FOX exposing them daily, especially CNN, FOX is crushing them in the ratings.

FOX has led the cable news ratings twenty years in a row now with no sign of letting up.
  • Tiny
  • 02-13-2022, 03:23 PM
Maybe only those states have mandates, but the school districts are still muzzling kids for no reason other than that they can. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Bill Cassidy, the Republican Senator from Louisiana, addressed this very point on Fox News Sunday this morning. He said I'm a conservative, and conservatives believe government closest to the people is best. You may be right as to what's best, but if an elected school board makes the decision, people should live with it, and if they disagree vote the bastards out at the next election.
bambino's Avatar
Bill Cassidy, the Republican Senator from Louisiana, addressed this very point on Fox News Sunday this morning. He said I'm a conservative, and conservatives believe government closest to the people is best. You may be right as to what's best, but if an elected school board makes the decision, people should live with it, and if they disagree vote the bastards out at the next election. Originally Posted by Tiny
Parents should have the first say. Not a school board or teacher union.
  • Tiny
  • 02-13-2022, 03:40 PM
you don't watch FOX so how would you know?

it's clear why the other media outlets are "demanding" FOX be taken off the air. and they are. not only is FOX exposing them daily, especially CNN, FOX is crushing them in the ratings. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Yssup's right. But it goes both ways. You also see segments on MSNBC and CNN making fun of Fox hosts, Tucker Carlson in particular.

Is there actually a serious push to ban Fox? I haven't heard anything about that, but know OAN got removed from DirectTV.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
The politicians, MSM and Fox News are using COVID to divide the country. Don't listen to them.

Like this forum ????
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yssup's right. But it goes both ways. You also see segments on MSNBC and CNN making fun of Fox hosts, Tucker Carlson in particular.

Is there actually a serious push to ban Fox? I haven't heard anything about that, but know OAN got removed from DirectTV. Originally Posted by Tiny

and yet he singled out FOX without naming anyone else.

and yes there is.

The FCC must take Fox News off the air immediately.

Have FOX News Removed from Cable TV
TechPapi's Avatar
Parents should have the first say. Not a school board or teacher union. Originally Posted by bambino

Know-nothing, conspiracy cock sucking, stupid shit believing parents like you?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...It's time to go back to worrying about real problems, like the national debt. Originally Posted by Tiny
Better late than never I s'pose. But two and half years late?!?: "The politicians, MSM and Fox News are using COVID to divide the country. Don't listen to them."

Might have to be answered in another thread, so as no to hijack the OP here:So what do you think the annual interest payment will be two years from now on the $30T already racked up in debt after a dozen or so interest rate hikes??
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Parents should have the first say. Not a school board or teacher union. Originally Posted by bambino
Parents should have the final say. Didn’t you learn that at home school?

Obviously you’ve no experience with education. Or children.