Cursing, a story, and Science

MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I have stated many times that I find cursing offensive. I don't judge anyone who curses, but I won't pretend it doesn't bother me. I've told this story to many and offered some different proofs. Some may enjoy and some will scoff. I understand that what I have discovered to be true for me, might make others uncomfortable to imagine that they know not what they do or even have done to others.

Anyway, once upon a time, what seems like several life times ago, I was a beautiful cotton topped little girl. (Doesn't have anything to do with the price of tea in China, but not a bad way to start a story...LOL). My mother married a military male, so needless to say, there were lots of folks around who cursed like sailors.

I can remember actually cringing, in a bit of pain, every time this occurred. So, when I grew up and had my first child, you can bet your sweet patootie, no one used foul language around my beautiful little girl. I never watched her cringe as grown ups carried on using their masterful words we teach our children not to use. I warned folks before being allowed in her presence that I have a curse jar, and it ain't cheap to curse in my home. She shined like you couldn't imagine a little girl shining!

Years later, she becomes a teen and yes of course, influenced by others, and begins to curse herself, despite me practically begging her not to, thinking it's funny when I cringe. (She has a thing about slapstick type of humor, I dunno. Greatest and most giving person I ever met, truly!) so, eventually and after all those years of not cursing, I gave up and joined the crazy train of cursing and carrying on, because sometimes if ya can't beat 'em, ya finally join 'em. Even if you know better.

Now, if ya think I'm "weird" concerning cursing, ya outta know how I have a thing about water as well. I could go on for days....But no one wants that! LOL

Anywho, last year, a friend sent me a link to this video:

I kinda feel vindicated....LOL. And of course, I did lots of other research concerning this matter. Also know that I learned a lot about gratitude. I jumped back off the crazy cursing train. Maybe folks will take a second think before being so very truly offensive. I dunno, stranger things have happened. So yes, please don't affect my sexy body, composed of mostly water, by cursing at me or others.

Please share your own thoughts about cursing or other kinda things you fell into place over, knowing it didn't feel right, but ya didn't wanna be the odd man out concerning whatever it was.

Edit: i do use a wordy durd or two while in the throws of passion, but it's done with the right intent and in the right setting! LOL.
James1588's Avatar
Not wishing to give offense, I think I'll stay away from the notion that photographs of ice crystals have anything to do with the molecular configuration of water, or the notion that water even has multiple possible molecular configurations. Also, the casual non-physical abuse of the term "energy" (a physical quantity having a definite mathematical definition). Also casual questions that popped into mind, such as "what language did Dr. Emoto use when taping words and phrases to the outside of a water container -- how does he know what language(s) water understands?"

I will certainly agree that cursing (profanity, obscenity, and scatology) is often used by the lazy to compensate for a poverty of alternative vocabulary and more-creative modes of verbal expression. And I'm far too guilty of such laziness myself. However, when you're working on your truck and the wrench slips and you (again) remove the skin from four knuckles of your right hand, sometimes a little robust language does seem to be called for.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Not wishing to give offense, I think I'll stay away from the notion that photographs of ice crystals have anything to do with the molecular configuration of water, or the notion that water even has multiple possible molecular configurations. Also, the casual non-physical abuse of the term "energy" (a physical quantity having a definite mathematical definition). Also casual questions that popped into mind, such as "what language did Dr. Emoto use when taping words and phrases to the outside of a water container -- how does he know what language(s) water understands?"

I will certainly agree that cursing (profanity, obscenity, and scatology) are often used by the lazy to compensate for a poverty of alternative vocabulary and more-creative modes of verbal expression. And I'm far too guilty of such laziness myself. However, when you're working on your truck and the wrench slips and you (again) remove the skin from four knuckles of your right hand, sometimes a little robust language does seem to be called for. Originally Posted by James1588
Just sharing the easiest Science I could find to share with a group who mostly make choices based on pictures, rather than research. There are lots of scientific proofs available should ya be interested to do the research in such. Just sharing my own story, why I feel as I do, and what finally turned on a few lights concerning the why of that. Hope you enjoyed!

I couldn't agree more, however, when ya scrape your knuckles, ya weren't intentionally hurting my sexy body by letting off a stream of wordy durds! There are those here, who intentionally aim and use them to hurt others. You would think with all the thousands of words readily available, they occasionally might try one or two of those.

Edit: i've done my share of research concerning energy and water as well. We are all made up of energy,, water is even energy, and since that's the case, I wanted to know as much as I could find. I've learned quite a bit. Much more than taught in school.
James1588's Avatar
Just sharing the easiest Science I could find to share with a group who mostly make choices based on pictures, rather than research. There are lots of scientific proofs available should ya be interested to do the research in such. Just sharing my own story, why I feel as I do, and what finally turned on a few lights concerning the why of that. Hope you enjoyed!

I couldn't agree more, however, when ya scrape your knuckles, ya weren't intentionally hurting my sexy body by letting off a stream of wordy durds! There are those here, who intentionally aim and use them to hurt others. You would think with all the thousands of words readily available, they occasionally might try one or two of those.

Edit: i've done my share of research concerning energy and water as well. We are all made up of energy,, water is even energy, and since that's the case, I wanted to know as much as I could find. I've learned quite a bit. Much more than taught in school. Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
Oh, God, I'm about to get myself in trouble ...

<getting myself into unnecessary trouble> Water is energy? Water is one-half times mass times the square of velocity? Water is mass times vertical displacement times the acceleration due to gravity? Water is the scalar product of force and displacement?

With all due respect (and that's a lot of respect, by the way), I think we're talking about two different things.

</getting myself into unnecessary trouble>
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Oh, God, I'm about to get myself in trouble ...

<getting myself into unnecessary trouble> Water is energy? Water is one-half times mass times the square of velocity? Water is mass times vertical displacement times the acceleration due to gravity? Water is the scalar product of force and displacement?

With all due respect (and that's a lot of respect, by the way), I think we're talking about two different things.

</getting myself into unnecessary trouble> Originally Posted by James1588
You're not in trouble in the least, ya just maybe have not connected some dots, or found the same reference for the science. I dunno? Dig deeper?

Edit: think what it takes to make "mass". Pick up a qtip, what energy went into making the qtip? What energy went into making those things? can go on and on, and what would you come to?
James1588's Avatar
... Edit: think what it takes to make "mass". Pick up a qtip, what energy went into making the qtip? What energy went into making those things? can go on and on, and what would you come to? Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
Depends on what you mean by "making" the Q-tip. The kind of Q-tip I'm thinking of is tightly-rolled paper and glue (the "stick" part) and a bit of cotton (the tip). By "making" the Q-tip, we might mean rearranging the paper, glue, and cotton into Q-tip form; or we might mean producing the constituent matter from nothing.

By the way: I'm so glad not to be in trouble with you -- thanks! (Seriously.) But I do think our difficulties in agreeing about the subject matter of this thread are category / definition kinds of problems.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Depends on what you mean by "making" the Q-tip. The kind of Q-tip I'm thinking of is tightly-rolled paper and glue (the "stick" part) and a bit of cotton (the tip). By "making" the Q-tip, we might mean rearranging the paper, glue, and cotton into Q-tip form; or we might mean producing the constituent matter from nothing.

By the way: I'm so glad not to be in trouble with you -- thanks! (Seriously.) But I do think our difficulties in agreeing about the subject matter of this thread are category / definition kinds of problems. Originally Posted by James1588
I'm still laughing at the the last thread you responded to.....give me time to compose myself!
James1588's Avatar
I'm still laughing at the the last thread you responded to.....give me time to compose myself! Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
Absolutely! I've got some other stuff to do anyway. I'll look in again later.

Thanks for letting me live. If I save my nickels and dimes and manage to get back to the DFW area one of these days, I certainly hope to be on speaking terms with your lovely self.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Social scientists have proven time and time again that those who tend to curse without thinking about it tend to be more honest in general. Apparently the same filter than enables some to lie without batting an eye is the same that tends to control language and what is socially acceptable. Those with a better filter also tend to be more calculating whereas those who lack the filter tend to be more upfront and honest.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Social scientists have proven ... Originally Posted by GracePreston
Do share a link please. I love stuff that's proven.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Social scientists have proven time and time again that those who tend to curse without thinking about it tend to be more honest in general. Apparently the same filter than enables some to lie without batting an eye is the same that tends to control language and what is socially acceptable. Those with a better filter also tend to be more calculating whereas those who lack the filter tend to be more upfront and honest. Originally Posted by GracePreston
Please clarify or explain if you would, can, or have the time and inclination to do so, the difference of the actual biological science vs the social science concerning what is in the video. Got any links you can share? I do lots of research, but if ya got the info handy, I'd appreciate it. If not, no worries, I'll put it on the list of other stuff I find interesting. It's a lonnnnggggg list! LOL. Thanks for sharing what ya have already!
For some reason, I can't see the video you posted. But, I'm pretty sure I know which one it is.

I also believe that when making love to a client we can affect their body chemistry with our intent. If we are hating our chosen career and despising the men we see, I think they can sense it.

However, if we love what we do and enjoy our time together, I also think this is conveyed on a molecular level.

I know, I'm as crazy as you on this.

But, I also try to have good intentions with all my clients and lot's of love.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
For some reason, I can't see the video you posted. But, I'm pretty sure I know which one it is.

I also believe that when making love to a client we can affect their body chemistry with our intent. If we are hating our chosen career and despising the men we see, I think they can sense it.

However, if we love what we do and enjoy our time together, I also think this is conveyed on a molecular level.

I know, I'm as crazy as you on this.

But, I also try to have good intentions with all my clients and lot's of love. Originally Posted by JessicaKnightly
I couldn't agree more, hon. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Oh, and welcome aboard my crazy train.....LOL.
Grace Preston's Avatar
In terms of pure biology and your video above.. I'm a pretty firm believer that intent and delivery means way more than the words used. In addition, I have a hard time buying that the water turned out different simply from having words typed out on paper and put onto the containers. The music study.. absolutely-- pace and intent. However, you should do a little more research into Masaru Emoto-- he wasn't actually a Doctor.. he just declared himself one. He's long been derided as a quack.

I can understand not liking curse words. In the time that we were young, they were most often used as words of anger. As time has gone on and usage has become more and more commonplace, they aren't the automatic "angry" words of our youth.

I have a huge file on the sociological aspects on my other computer.... if I fire it up this weekend I'll post some more about it... the research is still conflicting depending on the study-- and age is also a factor in it. As the age of a person decreases, the honesty factor also tends to lessen... as cursing becomes a more frequent practice.. the filter theory doesn't hold as true. But, on average, the filter theory seems to hold quite true in the 30-up crowd as a whole.

I don't really concern myself with others language. It doesn't affect me in any way. Tone, on the other hand.... I do not do well with yelling. I really don't have an aversion to cursing-- however, I always make it a general policy to monitor my language around children and those who I know are offended. I don't always succeed.. but I do try
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
In terms of pure biology and your video above.. I'm a pretty firm believer that intent and delivery means way more than the words used. In addition, I have a hard time buying that the water turned out different simply from having words typed out on paper and put onto the containers. The music study.. absolutely-- pace and intent. However, you should do a little more research into Masaru Emoto-- he wasn't actually a Doctor.. he just declared himself one. He's long been derided as a quack.

I can understand not liking curse words. In the time that we were young, they were most often used as words of anger. As time has gone on and usage has become more and more commonplace, they aren't the automatic "angry" words of our youth.

I have a huge file on the sociological aspects on my other computer.... if I fire it up this weekend I'll post some more about it... the research is still conflicting depending on the study-- and age is also a factor in it. As the age of a person decreases, the honesty factor also tends to lessen... as cursing becomes a more frequent practice.. the filter theory doesn't hold as true. But, on average, the filter theory seems to hold quite true in the 30-up crowd as a whole.

I don't really concern myself with others language. It doesn't affect me in any way. Tone, on the other hand.... I do not do well with yelling. I really don't have an aversion to cursing-- however, I always make it a general policy to monitor my language around children and those who I know are offended. I don't always succeed.. but I do try Originally Posted by GracePreston
As stated, like you, I'm big into research. And if I hadn't clung to my hurts for dear life in order to always know not to hurt others, what you're saying would be easier for me to go along with. When one can actually remember physical pains from words, that kinda says more to me than any science in the world. But, it sure helped to connect the dots when I did finally see it after all these years of feeling it.....ya know?