Spell check

Smpslt7's Avatar
My daughter told me that she texted an out of town friend to climb up mount bonnell with her. But her spell check didn't recognize bonnell, so her text invited her friend to climb mount boner. Love it!
3daygetaway's Avatar
My dictionary auto corrects to Bob Nell and suggests Bonnett ...methinks your daughter's been using the word boner a little too often.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Damn auto-correct changes one of our mods' name in a bad way. So far I have managed to catch it ever time!
Smpslt7's Avatar
One of my former coworkers once sent an email to everyone in the company, about 700 people, apologizing for the inconvenience. He misspelled inconvenience and with the help of spellcheck apologized to 700 people for his incontenance.
3daygetaway's Avatar
Smpslt7's Avatar
Spell check didn't work that time!
knotty man's Avatar
still on 1 providers DNS list cuz auto correct told he i wanted to "kick her puppy"