Ok, so for those who are not hobby veterans, has this happened to you?

Ok, so I set up an appointment with a well reviewed provider on this board and others last friday. We had conversed several times in the past but weren't able to hook up. I provided her references and she advised that they were fine. However, I showed up and waited and got a call saying she was on the way and asking me if I'd seen her before. After telling her no, she then called me back a few minutes later saying she was physically ill and would have to reschedule. My question is, as someone with relatively limited hobby experience, should I even consider trying again, or should I just chalk it up to a lost cause and move on to another provider? It seems like once a provider pegs you as questionable, it's kind of hard to overcome that rap. Just curious what other guys in my situation have done.
Wayward's Avatar
It really depends, while I'm no WK most of the time. We don't really understand some of the things that spook providers at the last minute. Might send her one more email in a week or something see if the waters have warmed. She might have just gotten a much better deal from a regular at the last minute. Most of the ladies have concerns about meeting a client for the first time, some a lot more than others.

Yes this has happened to me and sometimes I just gave up and sometimes still managed to see them. Often finding out the why of the last minute cancellation had less than nothing to do with me and everything to do with the normal ins and out of being a provider.

We all wish they would be more honest and just say today isn't the day for a really good session, but you just have to smile walk the other way and try to have a good time else where. It's annoying but part of this thing of ours. Sometimes you go on a bad run and it happens a little too often and it's easy to stop finding it so amusing.

Thats the great thing about the forums you can vent a little with out going nuts and posting an alert over nothing.
Ok, so I set up an appointment with a well reviewed provider on this board and others last friday. We had conversed several times in the past but weren't able to hook up. I provided her references and she advised that they were fine. However, I showed up and waited and got a call saying she was on the way and asking me if I'd seen her before. After telling her no, she then called me back a few minutes later saying she was physically ill and would have to reschedule. My question is, as someone with relatively limited hobby experience, should I even consider trying again, or should I just chalk it up to a lost cause and move on to another provider? It seems like once a provider pegs you as questionable, it's kind of hard to overcome that rap. Just curious what other guys in my situation have done. Originally Posted by lickagator39
Let me make sure I have this right by asking is what you posted accurate? First you wrote that you passed her screening and the appointed time arrived which had you at her location waiting. The provider in question called you and told you she was on her way, right? Then after some discussion and a call back, she “realizes” she hasn’t seen you before and now she is “physically” sick with the implied thought being she is not on her way to see you? Have I gotten this right? First she doesn't remember your previous conversations before the day of the appointment about her not having seen you before and she was on her way to your agreed meeting but now she is sick and won't make it... that is too convenient even if it were true. I am taking you at your word lickagator but that whole deal has more holes into than a block of swiss cheese. Keep in mind flash sickness happens but it is usually preceeded by something... or someone.

You do what you want but if I were in your shoes and had heard that, I would never waste my time with her again. There are far too many lovely providers here to put up with that.

Or you could do lke WW wrote but then he is known to be one sick puppy!
definitely not alert worthy. I appreciate your comments. I guess she really could have been sick. good advice, I guess I'll try again next week.
Actually Lonesome, we had talked in the past and exchanged several emails. She knew I was new. And to make matters worse, it was same day appointment and I was coming from out of town. I guess Wayward makes a lot of sense, but if she ns's me again, that would definitely be enough for me to move on. I just think there is a fine line between being seen as giving someone another chance and stalking depending on the provider's prospective. I don't want to get a bad rep for being too persistent.
dearhunter's Avatar
..........and here is a serious moment from dearhunter.

I would say it depends on you.....not her.

If your hobby style is to love them and leave them........meaning you like to taste the kitty and then move on to greener pastures, you should not try to see her again.

If you are the type of hobbyist who likes to connect with a chosen few providers, and this particular provider meets your narrow window of interest, you should make one more attempt.

If you make more than one more attempt you open yourself up to a whole new game.
Wayward's Avatar
dearhunter nailed a very important part I left out, my focus is some what narrow and that colors my view of hobby deportment.
I understand lickagator. Keep in mind that a lot people in this P4P realm like to throw around the "Stalker" term way too much and in a very inaccurate fashion. What dh wrote is right on the mark and I concur with. Whatever you do, have fun and realize that some providers are just that way.
TexasGator's Avatar
No doubt you were erroneously confused with some of the other gators around these here parts. Now, my guess is she first agreed to see you because she mistook you for Gator42, [ame="http://www.eccie.net/member.php?u=2741"]eccie.net[/ame] who is described in his profile as follows:

Dashingly hansome and charming. Well know around town and in the "community".

just in case he's thinking about changing it, and claiming I was seeing things through Glenlivet glasses, better give you this screenshot

So naturally she was only too happy to schedule with "you." Hell, she was probably running traffic lights just to get to see you sooner. But sometime between saying "yessiree," and your arrival time, she wised up to the fact that there were other gators in this here swamp, and she started digging a little deeper.

Lo and behold, she learned that there was another gator around these parts who was anything but dashingly handsome, and was about as charming as Atilla the Hun. She learned that others before her had made the same fateful mistake expecting to see Gator42, but in fact, met up with that dreaded TexasGator dude - a fat, bald, pencil-dicked, old curmudgeon who was only "well known" in the nursing home "community." Learning that so many had become physically ill upon meeting, it was an instant (and convenient) excuse to get the Hell out
of Dodge, so to speak.

Sorry for your troubles lickagator39! Those
"Dashingly hansome and charming gators" are always fuckin' it up for the rest of us. Have you considered a name change?
A common condition known as "Gatoris confusionomus"
Which can lead to an much worse condition know as "Gatoris Interuptus"!
chicagoboy's Avatar
She learned that others before her had made the same dreaded mistake expecting to see Gator42, but in fact, meeting up with that dreaded TexasGator dude - a fat, bald, pencil-dicked, old curmudgeon who was only "well known" in the nursing home "community." Originally Posted by TexasGator
Oh, c'mon, TGator - you're not fat.
Wow, that was too funny.....LMAO!!!!!!!! maybe that is what happen a gator mix-up, made me laugh though.

Good luck on your next search.
pyramider's Avatar
A case of gator-itis.

Just move on. If she knows you then you can try schduling at a later date.
Htowner's Avatar
So it made her physically ill that you have not seen her before?
She would feel fine if you had, or just no problem seeing the repeats while sick?
I like to ask her that question.
oldbreed's Avatar
No doubt you were erroneously confused with some of the other gators around these here parts. Now, my guess is she first agreed to see you because she mistook you for Gator42, eccie.net who is described in his profile as follows:

Dashingly hansome and charming. Well know around town and in the "community". Originally Posted by TexasGator
Gator42 has better hair then Jimmy Johnson. I've been thinking about using his hair as a model for my next toupee....I've got this small bald spot.....