Time To Govern: Did ANY Of The EO's Biden signed in the last few days help the American Worker?

I don't even think I saw the complete set of them.

$15 an Hour Fed Wage EO. We've already established Fed smake that.
Abortion on Demand EO. Don't see how that helps.
Suspension of Illegal Immigrant Deportations: Nope. More cheap labor. More criminals.
Tranny men can compete in women's sports: Nope. Even the bathroom situ is messed up.
Advancing Racial Equity: Reads like a crony payoff.
Increasing Insulin Cost: Haven't seen one article that says this is a good thing
Halting Keystone Pipeline: That's going to employ more people - not.
Fed property masks distance "mandate": We've had 8 months of this. Everyone is wearing mask.

I know I missed many.

Where's my check?
Looks like you did not see anything since your list is pretty ragged.
I don't even think I saw the complete set of them.

$15 an Hour Fed Wage EO. We've already established Fed smake that.
Abortion on Demand EO. Don't see how that helps.
Suspension of Illegal Immigrant Deportations: Nope. More cheap labor. More criminals.
Tranny men can compete in women's sports: Nope. Even the bathroom situ is messed up.
Advancing Racial Equity: Reads like a crony payoff.
Increasing Insulin Cost: Haven't seen one article that says this is a good thing
Halting Keystone Pipeline: That's going to employ more people - not.
Fed property masks distance "mandate": We've had 8 months of this. Everyone is wearing mask.

I know I missed many.

Where's my check? Originally Posted by gnadfly
It makes little difference what Biden does at this time. The Main Stream Media has declared him infallible.

He will continue to be the same stupid fuck up he has been for the past 4 decades. The MSM will not report any failures, only glowing revues. His supporters are too fuckin’ stupid to know the difference anyway.
They are 2x as smart as Trump supporters so you know those were/are some exceptionally stupid fuckers.