Democratic victories tomorrow

rmg_35's Avatar
When the Democrats hold the senate tomorrow and possible maintain control of the house, Faux and the right-wing media will be squealing and screaming election fraud just like 2020. There is not going to be wide spread election fraud. The polls are underestimating the young people especially young women who are pissed off and roe v wade and are getting out to vote. Early balloting is way up from 2018 and as we know, most early balloting is greatly favoring the Democrats because of tRump and his lies about fraud in mail-in balloting.

So there will be lots of radical right-wing craziers screaming and hollering tomorrow. There will be more screaming and hollering when all of tRump's indictments start coming his way.
I don’t see that happening. There’s too many people who have lost thousands of dollars in the last couple years. What hits more Americans, abortion or lost 401k, ridiculous gas prices, inflation, etc.
The only Republican that won’t get my vote is Mastrioni. He’s nuts.
HDGristle's Avatar
Probably not how it plays out, but I love your cockeyed optimism
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Let’s remember who made the false claims of election meddling popular to begin with… see Hillary R. Clinton… the cunt who just couldn’t accept 2016 results… sadly, i fear every election from here on out will be dramatic and chalked full of allegations… bright side is, i don’t see us having too many more elections before collapse.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 11-07-2022, 02:22 PM
Let’s remember who made the false claims of election meddling popular to begin with… see Hillary R. Clinton… the cunt who just couldn’t accept 2016 results… sadly, i fear every election from here on out will be dramatic and chalked full of allegations… bright side is, i don’t see us having too many more elections before collapse. Originally Posted by Diggerdale12
Yep, every election is now the end of the world if you listen to both parties.

But only one party has us actually on the doorstep of nuclear war, I believe that will factor into tomorrows outcome.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 11-07-2022, 02:24 PM
One story I heard today was a dramatic shift of suburban women jumping from the Ds to the Rs.

Probably has something to do with a foodbill thats doubled, as its no where near the 13 percent they claim in inflation stats, as well as paying twice as much to fill the family SUV.

This stuff matters, at least to people who work for a living.
Biden kept saying gas is now 10-25 cents cheaper. Funny because it actually went up here!! It's now $4.09 a gal near me.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
When the Democrats hold the senate tomorrow and possible maintain control of the house, Faux and the right-wing media will be squealing and screaming election fraud just like 2020. There is not going to be wide spread election fraud. The polls are underestimating the young people especially young women who are pissed off and roe v wade and are getting out to vote. Early balloting is way up from 2018 and as we know, most early balloting is greatly favoring the Democrats because of tRump and his lies about fraud in mail-in balloting.

So there will be lots of radical right-wing craziers screaming and hollering tomorrow. There will be more screaming and hollering when all of tRump's indictments start coming his way. Originally Posted by rmg_35

well let's dive in and unpack this post shall we?

first, the party that controls the White House has traditionally lost ground in the midterms. in some cases bigly like Obama's massive losses, the biggest midterm defeat since Eisenhower was president. and this has happened in much better overall times than now in many cases. so you actually think that under the current conditions, all of which are directly the fault of the Democrats and Biden, open borders, high inflation directly from Democrat backed helicopter drops of fiat currency even many Democratic politicians knew perfectly well was overkill, the war on US energy by the Biden Greenfreaks and huge increases in crime in major Democratic cities due to defund the police initiatives and DA's openly allowing suspects released only to commit more crime you actually think that the Democrats will hold their seats across the board when history says they won't?

the 2020 election was the most secure in US history. everyone knows this because the Gov and the media said so (sic). well guess what they are saying now? election sites and voting machines aren't secure! who knew? why are they saying that? because the Democrats know their policies have been a disaster across the country at every level and they'll suffer the largest reversal of power in US history so obviously they need an excuse and it'll be those dam Russkie's and our "suddenly" vulnerable election machines that caused the Dems to lose, not their policies.

6 election security threats to watch for on Election Day

Hacking threats and disinformation fears loom large as voters head to the polls.

The midterms face a bevy of digital threats, from stolen Twitter accounts to hacked election websites, that could spark chaos, confusion and unrest that last long after the polls close.

The 2020 presidential election was rife with allegations of voting machine hacks that were later debunked. Yet there are real risks that hackers could tunnel into voting equipment and other election infrastructure to try to undermine Tuesday’s vote.

The U.S. has many safeguards protecting voting equipment, so any actual hack would probably be localized, quickly detected and unlikely to affect final results. But as 2020 showed, even an attempt to change votes — or the mere allegation of tampering — could undermine faith in the outcome.

The U.S. officials charged with protecting election security say they’re watching for threats from multiple groups and countries. And in recent months, social media companies and cybersecurity researchers have identified Chinese influence operations aimed at the elections.

Wireless modems enabling hacks of voting machines or vote tallies

At least seven states and Washington, D.C., use wireless modems to transmit unofficial election-night results to their central offices. These modems use telecommunications networks that are vulnerable to hackers, and malicious actors could exploit them to tamper with unofficial vote data, corrupt voting machines or compromise the computers used to tally official results.

“We now have to worry about anybody getting access to a communication network that is fundamentally open,” Matt Blaze, a Georgetown University computer science and law professor who studies voting systems, told POLITICO last month.

this comes from far left Politico not FOX. but it was mentioned on Tucker Carlson tonight. you can read the rest of it on Politico's site but the stage is already being set, by the leftist media, to explain away the massive losses tomorrow.