pictures... why use old ones?

I've been on here for a while... and it amazes me to see the same pictures that were posted 5 years ago.... people can change a lot in 5 years.... they can get better... or worse.

how many others have noticed this?


From both sides?
DallasRain's Avatar
I noticed a certain gal I used to work with in Arizona is using the same pics...that was 8 years ago!!

I try to keep my pics withen a year or two...and am frequently adding new ones
Three things come to mind
Time to do it
Cost to do it
They don't look that good anymore but hope guys won't care after they show up.
rexdutchman's Avatar
all the above
Iaintliein's Avatar
I think it takes a strong self image to be in this profession. Sometimes it's warranted, sometimes it isn't, usually it's in between.

Some of the ladies, I think, don't see the changes and still think the older pictures are representative. And yes, some know they've changed but won't admit it for the sake of making a living. If this is their only income the stakes are high for them and most clients will be generous in their comments.

Contrary to popular belief, there are still plenty of men who won't point out flaws candidly because that's just how they were raised.
rexdutchman's Avatar
I think "dated pics" would be great
Three things come to mind
Time to do it
Cost to do it
They don't look that good anymore but hope guys won't care after they show up. Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
I agree but, there are more than three things, much more.
When there is 200-400/hr or more involved, the BEST appearance is key.

They don't care if the best appearance is 8 years old, photoshopped to the hilt to cover up AGE, don't show the face, don't show the body, dress to cover up flaws, Photos that are at a distance only, etc. The bottom line is to get the money, even at the cost of deceiving the hobbyists. If hobbyists are not allowed to take a current, up to date pic for the review, they should consider the points above and take into consideration that some providers have RW jobs and need to be discrete.

The TRUTH always surfaces after reading several reviews. The real good providers have the most reviews along with the best ATTITUDE. Some hobbyists think that a lady that has a lot of reviews is worn but, i look at it a different way. I see her as EXPERIENCED and her pic's are spot on or hobbyists would stop seeing her. The providers that have 5-10 reviews in 3-months are the Questionable ones. I could keep typing forever with the shit i seen providers do to deceive hobbyists just to get their hard earned dollars.

However there are well known providers that earn their money, don't deceive hobbyists and make us men smile from ear to ear. Also to the ladies that ALLOW hobbyists to take up-to-date pics for your review, thank you. To those ladies, I COMMEND YOUR EFFORTS.

Thank you,
DallasRain's Avatar
I dont know why gals use old pics,..the guy is gonna find out soon enough

like I said before,mine are withen the last year with a couple being a lil over a year...when I do set an appt with a gent,I will make sure he has a most current face pic before we meet that way there are no surprises.
  • Ender
  • 09-05-2015, 10:37 AM
If the pics were massively off, I'd consider leaving, depending on the cost of the session. I understand the need to not show your face, but no face, no stomach shots sends red flags. You really have to read reviews.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Three things come to mind
Time to do it
Cost to do it
They don't look that good anymore but hope guys won't care after they show up. Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing

A quality shoot can be done in an hour or two. While they're waiting on the phone to ring, they could be doing a shoot. And...

With more than enough photographers looking for a start, affordability as a whole is pretty reasonable across the board. Oh, yeah. There's a few pros out there, too.

While they're waiting on the phone to ring, they could be a gym, working it out. I know if MY body was MY money maker, you damn well skippy can bet I'd be in one as much as possible. There's one on every corner in many cities, some open 24 hours. I don't want to hear the excuses...because their ARE none. You can even buy a workout DVD set, for 20-30 bucks.

We keep giving them answers to the test, but apparently they know more than the paying customers.
I agree but, there are more than three things, much more.
When there is 200-400/hr or more involved, the BEST appearance is key.

They don't care if the best appearance is 8 years old, photoshopped to the hilt to cover up AGE, don't show the face, don't show the body, dress to cover up flaws, Photos that are at a distance only, etc. The bottom line is to get the money, even at the cost of deceiving the hobbyists. If hobbyists are not allowed to take a current, up to date pic for the review, they should consider the points above and take into consideration that some providers have RW jobs and need to be discrete.

Originally Posted by Copierguy0
I dont know why gals use old pics,..the guy is gonna find out soon enough

.... Originally Posted by DallasRain
The answer to your statement is in Copierguy's post. And after that appointment is set, he gets ready, drives all the way across town and she let's him in, she hopes that he goes ahead and stays since she wants that money.

It may not be PC, but the best thing a hobbyist can do is put that provider on blast for deceptive pics in her showcase in the ML and/or a review if he stayed for BCD activities.
Boltfan's Avatar
Put her on blast in coed. Don't be a coward and post it in the men's lounge if her pics are outdated.
I always try to keep mine current, and I always put my name and year date on them...

FunInDFW's Avatar
You can do that with any picture. :|
Yes you can, but if you look at a ladies recent ads, her recent reviews, and do some research you will soon see if the pictures are current or not. Most of the ladies who show current photos like to change them out a lot. Most ladies who use old or older photos keep the same ones up for longer periods of time. Months or perhaps even years. It is always good to represent ones self in recent pic's. that way the client won't feel deceived... Ladies age, weight ect. changes with age.

Just my .02 cents worth