The Natural Inclination of Mankind

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Districts are specifically formulated in major cities to have enough black folks (a large majority of the residents of the district, usually) to elect black congresspersons, Hispanic people to elect Hispanic representatives, and I'll bet in California at least, the effort is made to elect Asians to Congress. What is the point of all this?
In theory, to mitigate past discrimination. Beyond that, I believe it is because different races wish to have their own people represent them. It is a matter of trusting people of their own culture and skin color to represent their interests.
So, how does a multicultural democracy overcome this inclination to achieve national unity? Obviously, since the US is temporarily a majority of white people, we have overcome this inclination and embraced cross cultural leadership. Or have we done so? Has America ever been so divided?
In the meantime, in Asian countries, they elect Asians. In black countries, they elect blacks. In Latin America, with the one exception I know of where a Japanese man was elected (and later convicted of bribery, Fujimoro?) they elect Latinos. In Muslim countries, they elect Muslims. In India, they elect Indians.
The world is full of a bunch of mother fucking racists!!!!
El AL is your friend.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
EL AL is OUR friend.

It is now the second week of October.

Why are you still here?

Did the Israeli government give you "permission" to post on here again?

I might have to kick their asses with my bare fists!

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Except in the US. A black man was elected by white, black, and hispanic voters.
Allen West, a black man, was elected by white voters in Florida.
Tammy Duckworth, an asian woman, was elected by both white and black voters in Illinois.
Nancy Pelosi, an insane woman, was elected by otherwise sane men in California.
Rahm Emmanuel, a cruel Jewish man, was elected by black, white, and hispanic voters in Chicago.
Anthony Weiner, a sex fiend, was elected by......well they had to draw the line somewhere.
For once you gotta good point.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Except in the US. A black man was elected by white, black, and hispanic voters.
Allen West, a black man, was elected by white voters in Florida.
Tammy Duckworth, an asian woman, was elected by both white and black voters in Illinois.
Nancy Pelosi, an insane woman, was elected by otherwise sane men in California.
Rahm Emmanuel, a cruel Jewish man, was elected by black, white, and hispanic voters in Chicago.
Anthony Weiner, a sex fiend, was elected by......well they had to draw the line somewhere. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Those are good points. I think Alan West is very significant insofar as he was in a white Republican district, wasn't he?
Districts are specifically formulated in major cities to have enough black folks (a large majority of the residents of the district, usually) to elect black congresspersons, Hispanic people to elect Hispanic representatives, and I'll bet in California at least, the effort is made to elect Asians to Congress. What is the point of all this?
In theory, to mitigate past discrimination. Beyond that, I believe it is because different races wish to have their own people represent them. It is a matter of trusting people of their own culture and skin color to represent their interests.
So, how does a multicultural democracy overcome this inclination to achieve national unity? Obviously, since the US is temporarily a majority of white people, we have overcome this inclination and embraced cross cultural leadership. Or have we done so? Has America ever been so divided?
In the meantime, in Asian countries, they elect Asians. In black countries, they elect blacks. In Latin America, with the one exception I know of where a Japanese man was elected (and later convicted of bribery, Fujimoro?) they elect Latinos. In Muslim countries, they elect Muslims. In India, they elect Indians.
The world is full of a bunch of mother fucking racists!!!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
You're leeeeeaving on a jet plane ...

Apologies to John Denver.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You're leeeeeaving on a jet plane ...

Apologies to John Denver. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Pretentious Yankee carpetbagger!
Pretentious Yankee carpetbagger! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Once again, what does that mean?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Once again, what does that mean? Originally Posted by ExNYer
I think it speaks for itself!
I think it speaks for itself! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
No, it doesn't really.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He's not fleeing America, douchebag. You are... Allegedly!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
No, it doesn't really. Originally Posted by ExNYer
You didn't comment on the original premise, that's the pretentious part.
You are a known Yankee in Texas, that's the rest.
My original point was that all over the world, people show a clear preference for their own race, which I think dooms multiculturalism to the kind of fractious, ineffective, untrusting society we are saddled with today. All races, including the hated white people, have a right to their own pursuit of happiness, as unbridled by the government as possible. The state stepping in and telling everyone to shut up, get along and pay taxes isn't very inspiring.
You didn't comment on the original premise, that's the pretentious part.
You are a known Yankee in Texas, that's the rest.
My original point was that all over the world, people show a clear preference for their own race, which I think dooms multiculturalism to the kind of fractious, ineffective, untrusting society we are saddled with today. All races, including the hated white people, have a right to their own pursuit of happiness, as unbridled by the government as possible. The state stepping in and telling everyone to shut up, get along and pay taxes isn't very inspiring. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Racist idiot.

You're leeeeeaving on a jet plane ...

Apologies to John Denver.
You didn't comment on the original premise, that's the pretentious part.
You are a known Yankee in Texas, that's the rest.
My original point was that all over the world, people show a clear preference for their own race, which I think dooms multiculturalism to the kind of fractious, ineffective, untrusting society we are saddled with today. All races, including the hated white people, have a right to their own pursuit of happiness, as unbridled by the government as possible. The state stepping in and telling everyone to shut up, get along and pay taxes isn't very inspiring. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
And you're response still makes no sense.

A "carpetbagger" was a northerner who moved to the South seeking opportunities to exploit the southerners. It suggest looting and plundering.

I've lived here more than 20 years. In what sense have I exploited southerners in general and Texas in particular?

The population of Texas has about doubled since 1980 and most of that has come from people moving into the state. And that doesn't even count folks who moved into Texas before 1980.

So if close to half of the state isn't even native born, does the word carpetbagger even have any meaning anymore?