Black Shielas

australian_hell_yun's Avatar
I've been all over the bloody world and have been with every shiela except a black one. I think it's time to take the bloody plunge.
eholiday's Avatar
Call up Lovely Callie if you are over in the Lafayette area. I hear she's a great date.
DallasRain's Avatar
Callie is hot as hell!

Skylar Cruz if she is in town is one helluva ride!

holmes50's Avatar
I hear great things about Callie and Fiesty Natalie.
Bertrichard2000's Avatar
callie is a very good ride and she is almost always on time unless some one in a cment truck hits her car. tonie love is fine but she has an accent that will make you laugh so hard you will hert yourself but she will make you cum to. natalie is fine and dark and sexy. these 3 or some of the best lafayette has to offer.
Careful now get the right "black Sheila" and you might not want anything else, lol. But by all means, if you take the plunge, reach for the stars. I can personally vouch for Callie and have heard greatness about the other 2 as well. New Orleans has a new girl who's off to a great start as well in Ecstacy Monroe. Best of luck to you!
What city?
australian_hell_yun's Avatar
I reside in the Lafayette area.
Gotcha. Well, you got the best advice for the area already. Callie is the one to see. Beauty, brains, youth and knows how to please. (thats what they tell me) you could always double up with her and toni or Natalie! Have fun.
  • Nakia
  • 11-13-2012, 12:07 PM
Awww so sweet of you to refer him to me! When is your sexy ass coming back!

Callie is hot as hell!

Skylar Cruz if she is in town is one helluva ride!

Nakia?? Originally Posted by DallasRain
DallasRain's Avatar
NP babe....I try to take care of my "sisters" and "hobby hubbys".....I will be in town the end of Nov for a few days!
  • Nakia
  • 11-13-2012, 03:15 PM
Awesome!!!! We have got to do something! I can't wait!

NP babe....I try to take care of my "sisters" and "hobby hubbys".....I will be in town the end of Nov for a few days! Originally Posted by DallasRain
justanolaguy's Avatar
^^^ Oh hell! That would kill me but what a way to go!
  • Nakia
  • 11-14-2012, 04:40 AM
Hahahaha!!!! No it wouldn't! I miss you tons! I am going to email you later! Miss you handsome!

^^^ Oh hell! That would kill me but what a way to go! Originally Posted by justanolaguy
Lovely Callie's Avatar
Haven't been on the boards much lately, but definitely appreciate the compliments everyone!! I look forward to living up to my reputation!!! Xoxo