Roll call

txman123's Avatar
I'd like to hear from the vets and current GIs around here, especially the ladies.

Branch, base(s), mos, rank, a simple yes, whatever you feel like.

Completely understood if no years served included, as some ladies have an age requirement.
Texas State Guard, or any other state's similar organization included.

I'd also like to encourage our beautiful ladies to post a pic as a welcome home, stay safe, good job, go get 'em, get fucked, as they see fit.

We'll figure out something similar for the lady vets and current GI Janes.

I'll beat pyramider to the punch, 'ladies in the name of patriotism, let's see the taint'.

I'll start off
Air Force, a while back, E4 Senior Airman, Offutt AFB. SAC (rip) Headquarters. Computer operator.
Texas Army National Guard, SPEC 4, less of a while back, Arlington, TX.
Armored Cavalry Scout.