“Whatever you can get away with just do it” like totally

In another time and place, this would be shocking.

But knowing what the Clinton's are capable of, and the slime trail she leaves behind, this sort of activity is rather mundane ever day activity of the Democrats in general.

If you think about it, many of us would do the same. Here, we have a woman that has done very little in her adult life aside from being married to Bill Clinton. The higher up she goes in Public Life, the more her ineptitude is exposed, cumulating in her failed stint as Secretary of State.

But, since she is Mrs Bill Clinton, she is told that people love her, and are willing to shovel extremely large amounts of cash into her pockets for basically being, well, Mrs Bill Clinton.

She is a pathological liar, (has very few skills aside from that), but feels that the invulnerability that come with being Mrs Bill Clinton will allow her to skate through life, even as far as The Presidency, with no one the wiser.

But, people are coming to the realization that she is a phony as a three dollar bill.

If Marie Antionette had a 21st century daughter, Hillary would be it.