Do Men Pay Attention to Backgrounds?

I got a good laugh out of this today..

Wondered if men pay attention to such things.

So, I was checking out ads and such. I like to see the different personalities that come out in them as well as i do enjoy good hot pics!

But today.. I saw a pic with Vagisil (for hoohaw itch due to funk) on a ladies bathroom counter. In another i saw used Condom wrappers on the floor. Another had a baby bottle and a smoking device for things that shall not be named....

Do guys pay attention to background or just the tits n ass?

If you see things like this in the background would it change ur mind no matter how hot the chick was?

Any other stories of pics with crazy "ooops i forgot that was there" backgrounds?
whitechocolate's Avatar
The backgrounds in pics are of interest and can be used cleverly to create more interest. I would never dismiss a gal based on background in pics but use it to get to know her much better before the session which will make the session that much hotter. Gals need to use their "backgrounds" to their advantage.
Yea some girls need to do a better job with pics. I saw one she was on the pot and snapped a pic. Not sure that pic is going to be real appealing to most guys.
KenMonk's Avatar
I have seen some funny shit in the background of some pics. I remember seeing one somewhere of a provider taking a picture but you could see a roll of TP on a roller and a silver toilet handle in the upper corner. She was on the can and I laughed my ass off.
canuckvic's Avatar
As a photographer I'm always critiquing in my mind, so yes I notice the little things but I'm pretty confident that you will find the majority of responses don't notice that stuff.
Still Looking's Avatar
Oh yes I notice! I love it when you see a guy in the picture. I always think thats funny! If I see a book laying around TS 101 I pretty much move on to the next ad! But thats just me! LOL

Check this one out!
LOL....why could he had not just turned around and taken her pic like a normal person? LOL!!
KenMonk's Avatar
HAHAHAHA SL!!!! That pic almost made me spill my water.

What is worse, she has nice professional shots on her website... and then that pic on her eccie profile... amazing.
whitechocolate's Avatar
SL, that pic makes her much more interesting to me. There is a whole story behind that pic
whitechocolate's Avatar
The excitement is in the small details in the pics just like in CSI when they evaluate the pics with a fine tooth comb.
I have seen some funny shit in the background of some pics. I remember seeing one somewhere of a provider taking a picture but you could see a roll of TP on a roller and a silver toilet handle in the upper corner. She was on the can and I laughed my ass off. Originally Posted by KenMonk
Yea sitting on the pot is not the best place for a
Pharmaguy729's Avatar
I definitely pay attention. Wish I could still pull it up but saw a pic with a girl and the toilet was visible and there was a floater in it. If you can't flush, I don't think I want to see
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Background details are important, but they can often be easily misinterpreted without proper context.

I remember an episode of Seinfeld once where he peeks inside a girl's medicine cabinet to see what clues he might find about her.

He found a tube of cream for rashes and he thought the worst of the girl without really knowing all the background.

. . . It turned out that the cream was for a rash her cat had, but by then Seinfeld had taken the cream to have it analyzed and meanwhile the cat was going berserk!

KenMonk's Avatar
People keep pet meds in their bathroom/medicine cabinet? I would question the intelligence of someone who did that.
Vagisil is for kitty.... a very itchy, dough baking kitty. No way to misinterpret that!