
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Has anyone suggested an expanded recommendation menu for reviews? Seems to me a recurring theme of reviews is how to balance the negatives and positives in one yes or no. Why not a yes or no rating in three different areas: TCB, appearance, performance? Even if you have to have PA to get the expanded, it seems it would enhance the review. I'm not suggesting to go nuts, rating tits and ass and dozens of categories, just enough to paint a better picture.

We see countless threads about why certain girls charge more than others. If they're consistently getting three yes's, mystery solved. Or if she gets less, it can explain why she's only $80 an hour.

For my part and price, I'm willing to sacrifice some appearance for attitude. There are others who will tolerate poor TCB for hotter ass. I think a small change here could make PA more valuable.
I agree with JC. I think that would be a great idea.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Jack! This is your idea! I don't know if I read that whole thread you provided the link to above, but I had commented on it prior to you giving the same idea I gave above. You posted this months ago, I bask in your wisdom.