Provider Showcase?

OK, I've been struggling trying to figure this out, so time to ask...maybe I am doing something wrong, but whenever I click on the "Provider Showcase" link at the top of the page I just get routed back to whatever page I am currently on.

Am I doing something wrong? Is there another way to browse the showcases?

Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
Are you logging in via combuter or mobile? What browser are you using?

I haven't had any trouble with the showcase but I'd be more than happy to check things out.

When you click it, a drop-down menu should show up.
Then you have choices such as most popular, most recently updated, newest showcase, etc. But if you don't choose one you'll stay on the main page.
Ahh...thanks for the replies. That helped me figure it out. Looks like it was my proxy that was causing the problem. Proxy on, no showcase. Proxy off, showcase!
