"Mark Forums Read" Appears To Not Be Working

ferdburf's Avatar
Although I'm clicking on "Mark Forums Read," when I refresh the page all of the threads I've read in that forum still appear to be unread. Is there something I should change on my end, or is this an issue on ECCIE's end? It's always worked perfectly until this morning.
It's working for me so I don't know what to tell you ferdbuf. Maybe try deleting the cookie after logging out and then sign in again and see if it is still not working? Sorry, I really don't have much to help you on this.
ferdburf's Avatar
Thanks, LD, I was wondering if it was systemwide or just me. Your post tells me what I needed to know. I'll start tearin this sumbitch apart and find the glitch!
- Pause to Clear Cookies and Restart Browser -
Didn't have to tear nuttin apart, your suggestion worked just fine, thanks!
Glad I could help. Sometimes it is the simple things like finding a cookie that makes our life interesting and fun.