Should she win this case or not? Thoughts.

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  • 02-11-2014, 12:23 PM

Watts suspected her private driver's license information was being accessed by fellow officers, so she made a public records request with the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. It turned out she was right: over a three-month period, at least 88 law enforcement officers from 25 different agencies accessed Watts' driver's license information more than 200 times, according to her lawyer.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I don't think it is right that a woman should have authority over a man like this, even if the speeding officer was wrong, and the other officers were wrong to harass her. Women shouldn't be police officers.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Cunt cuffs a fellow officer and takes his weapon? For speeding? She should still be healing from the soap party. No need to access info of any kind.
She will probably win the case, but should have given a fellow officer a break in the first place.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The guy was doing 120. He was in the wrong, she was doing her job. The guy should be thrown off the force, and she should win her lawsuit.
It's old news... It's total bullshit, that cops would do that to their own... it's Obrobro's civilian army at it's worst... coming to us soon.
Old-T's Avatar
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  • 02-11-2014, 11:01 PM
I don't think it is right that a woman should have authority over a man like this, even if the speeding officer was wrong, and the other officers were wrong to harass her. Women shouldn't be police officers. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Shocking! You, a bigot? I never would have suspected THAT! Not from someone so accepting and fair minded as you are. Well, actually I would. You and your Taliban pals share a lot of common beliefs, don't you?

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  • 02-11-2014, 11:18 PM
The guy was doing 120. He was in the wrong, she was doing her job. The guy should be thrown off the force, and she should win her lawsuit. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
He was he should have been IMHO. The guy was going 120 to work his second job! Not a very good judgment . I hope she wins her lawsuit too.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Yes, he exhibited poor judgement and probably should have lost his job. Was he going 120 on a busy freeway, or a empty road late at night? Makes a difference. Did she radio in and ask why a squad car was going at that speed? She could have deflected the personal responsibility by doing so, how did she know he wasn't on legit business? Makes a difference. Does everyone who gets pulled for speeding get handcuffed these days? The article says the man was apologetic and admitted fault. She sounds, and looks, like a militant unforgiving and inflexible dyke, and you guys are advocating her and her slimy lawyer sucking up half a million or more of taxpayer money.
The guy was doing 120. He was in the wrong, she was doing her job. The guy should be thrown off the force, and she should win her lawsuit. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Yes, he exhibited poor judgement and probably should have lost his job. Was he going 120 on a busy freeway, or a empty road late at night? Makes a difference. Did she radio in and ask why a squad car was going at that speed? She could have deflected the personal responsibility by doing so, how did she know he wasn't on legit business? Makes a difference. Does everyone who gets pulled for speeding get handcuffed these days? The article says the man was apologetic and admitted fault. She sounds, and looks, like a militant unforgiving and inflexible dyke, and you guys are advocating her and her slimy lawyer sucking up half a million or more of taxpayer money. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Who care what she looks like? if the guy was wrong, he was wrong.

Try to imagine what this conversation would be like if the speeding cop had lost control at 120 mph and hit a minivan with a family in it. Imaging the justifiable outrage of everyone on this board over a "rogue cop" killing a bunch of kids because he was last for his second job.

And she is not getting the $500K because she pulled over a cop.

She is getting the $500K because - apparently - many dozens of cops accessed her private records so they could heap abuse on her.

I hope every cop that snooped her records gets fined.
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  • 02-12-2014, 03:04 PM
Yes, he exhibited poor judgement and probably should have lost his job. Was he going 120 on a busy freeway, or a empty road late at night? Makes a difference. . Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Does this look like a road where somebody should be going 120mph on? At some point and I'm not sure where but it is safe to say that 120mph is over that point driving over the speed limit is unacceptable even for LE.

AP Photo: Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Frame grab from an Oct. 11, 2011, video shows Florida Highway patrol officer Donna Jane Watts
JCM800's Avatar
Does everyone who gets pulled for speeding get handcuffed these days? Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
120mph would qualify as reckless driving, which can result in a lot more than just getting handcuffed.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Questions worth doesn't look like 120 was acceptable for that road.

Doesn't matter what she looks like, but if that many cops are looking into her info, there are most likely more questions worth asking, she may not be handling the matter prudently. And anyway you slice it, she is part of an issue that is going to cost taxpayers a shit load. I'm not ready to grant it was impossible for her to keep peace and justice without all this hullaballoo.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Shocking! You, a bigot? I never would have suspected THAT! Not from someone so accepting and fair minded as you are. Well, actually I would. You and your Taliban pals share a lot of common beliefs, don't you?

Originally Posted by Old-T
It is hardly my fault that the PC thought control bureau has brainwashed you and told you how to think, feel, act, and what to say. I wouldn't treat women the way the Taliban does but affirmative action has put women in position that makes everyone lie about the job they are doing so no liberal has to admit he is wrong. There is a role for men and women that was universally accepted by all societies until the last fifty years, and I haven't been convinced yet that they were wrong in the past.
Either you have, or more likely you are unable to think for yourself and tend to spout out what you are supposed to in order to avoid unpleasantness.
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  • 02-13-2014, 10:02 AM
Questions worth doesn't look like 120 was acceptable for that road.

. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
I'd have to agree with ya on that.