Tiger Woods Press Conference....

What did you all think about it?

Here's my opinion:
I did feel like the 13 min 32 sec speech was good for him to finally do, although it's been almost 3 months later from the incident. Finally coming out to apologize to everyone. If his speech was truly heartfelt and honest, then I have to be able to let it all go wishing him the best as he makes his return to golf.

I was unaware that he was a Buddhist. I am a Christian, but I do incorporate a lot of Eastern beliefs from other religions on how to live a better life. He made the perfect statement: I was out of control. I allowed myself to act on all my impulses instead of relying on my religion which believes in practicing self-restraint.

I was sad to see his wife did not attend the press conference, but since nothing was said as to why she was not there I can not draw conclusions to anything. I don't have all the information, and therefor can't make any judgments. Did appreciate the fact that he directed comments at paparazzi for their very inappropriate poor conduct in following his kids and wife around as well as reporting their school locations, etc. His family deserves their privacy, no if, ands or buts about it!

Overall I felt the speech was heartfelt, and that maybe he has decided to change some things to better his life which includes his wife, family, friends and golf career. He finally let us all know that yes he is a real person who makes stupid mistakes just like everyone else. When forgiveness is needed, you confess and ask for it. That is the 1st start into repairing your mistakes.

So in conclusion to his speech, I hold no ill feelings to him. He is right, all questions and answers from this moment on are only between him & his wife. He is exactly right this is only between them, and if he wasn't famous it would have stayed that way instead of being vomited into the public's eyes. Not sure what happens between Elin and him moving forward, but I can only hope that the best remedy is discovered.

Now I hope he can finish his rehab/12 Steps successfully, and come back to golf a new and improved man and one hell of a player. He makes a lot of people happy with his insane golf skills, as well as making a lot of people a lot of money. He loves golf, and golf loves him. Lesson learned, deal with the aftermath and move on. We can all forgive and accept a man that steps down off his pedestal to our level, and lets everyone know that he is not perfect and makes mistakes just like every other person on this Earth. I can have compassion for Tiger because I know when I mess up I appreciate when others have compassion for me. Forgiveness...it cleanses the soul!

Anticipating the return of Tiger Woods, #1 Golfer!!!
I can't begin to imagine having "family week" with the whole world. He appeared very humble. I wish him the best.

Bet he strays again, especially if Elin holds out on him in the bedroom.

Confucius says, "Man who live in dog house too long soon find cat house."
I know that is my thought, it's going to happen again. I have to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe him this one time. If he truly does have a sex addiction, then unfortunately that is one of the hardest to cure and refrain from acting on. More importantly why do women hold out on having sex with their husbands? Don't they like to fuck all the time too? Don't they realize they are only punishing themselves as well causing themselves to go without? I would just think that in marriage you could fight about everything else, but sex should always be readily available in a marriage. Why the hell else would you get married then? But then again I have never been married so I know nothing on this subject. As I have heard from men and women a like...it is not always the greener grass LOL.
HardyBoy's Avatar
I find it sad that people feel that they should have access to, and be able to make judgements about public figures lives. This whole thing is a private family matter and while it may help sell newspapers and gossip magazines it sickens me to watch. Not making a judgement about anything anyone has stated here, just my opinion of his situation.
dirty dog's Avatar
I mean honestly who cares, its sad that the press feels like its our business.
IMHO, Tiger owed no one an apology except for his wife, his mother and any other family members and his sponsors. For the rest of us, it is all tabloid fodder and none of our freakin' business. The only people who believe he owes the public an apology are over-zealous or self-righteous media who are making a load of money on over-exploiting this incident.
Omahan's Avatar
I mean honestly who cares, its sad that the press feels like its our business. Originally Posted by dirty dog
DD I was just about to say "who cares" too. Why should I care about a guy who I will never meet and never have a chance to help and who will never have a chance to affect my life.
IMHO, Tiger owed no one an apology except for his wife, his mother and any other family members and his sponsors. For the rest of us, it is all tabloid fodder and none of our freakin' business. The only people who believe he owes the public an apology are over-zealous or self-righteous media who are making a load of money on over-exploiting this incident. Originally Posted by fritz3552
HardyBoy - I find it sad that people feel that they should have access to, and be able to make judgements about public figures lives. This whole thing is a private family matter and while it may help sell newspapers and gossip magazines it sickens me to watch. Not making a judgement about anything anyone has stated here, just my opinion of his situation.
dirty dog - I mean honestly who cares, its sad that the press feels like its our business.
PUBLIC figure probably is the key issue? And getting caught is the other?
The media cannot make up a story, and have it last very long. Any one who hobbies takes the same risk. It is the consequences that are the difference? Until the laws are changes and it is just a moral issue the problem will remain?

Spouses (male or female) will continue to fail in their responsibility to care for the other person and that person will need to fulfill those urges to maintain sanity? Or the other vein, that cheater is just a cheater by choice.

No matter the cause the problem has been around for a long time. Cure? Implies disease or disorder. Very deep subject, very deep issues. How did we get here? What do we want to do? Interesting topic full of twisty turns in the road.

But as most said the news uses thing like this to "sell" stories. And some people love to get joy for others misfortune.

The size of the confession? It needs to me made to those affected (or is it effected) by the "problem". Wife, kids, church, school, parent(s), golf fans, the general public? Who was harmed? Who needs resolution? Who needs restitution? Who needs absolution? I think life always has more questions
that answers. And answers are always hard to find when the lights are out....

...Why should I care about a guy who I will never meet and never have a chance to help and who will never have a chance to affect my life.
Can we every know who will affect our lives today or tomorrow?
FEBRUARY 18--The man suspected of intentionally crashing an airplane into a Texas office building today appears to have posted a lengthy online diatribe attacking the Internal Revenue Service and declaring that, "I know I'm hardly the first one to decide I have had all I can stand."
Again wondering since this is hobby related, like another thread in the "box" why here instead of co-ed? Boy am I confused.....again
The lesson to be learned from this is that "the press" is a bigger threat to most of us than getting caught up in some LE sting.

If the press had not got hold of the story, then all the events after his car accident may have played out a lot differently.

What would life be like for you if your name was in the paper for consorting with escorts or your face was captured on the 10 O'clock news for coming out of an AMP or a "hooker" party.

Would you lose clients? family? friends? your job? would your church buddies embrace you? Would your golf buddies feel pressure to replace you in their foursome? Would it impact you financially?

Tiger never thought all the shit that reigned down on him would happen. It didn't even occur to him how far the impact would be felt. Have you thought that far ahead? Maybe we should all take a little time to re-evaluate our actions and, if necessary, modify them.
BiggestBest's Avatar
ANONONE's Avatar
What did he apologize for? Being a man?
BiggestBest's Avatar
What did he apologize for? Being a man? Originally Posted by ANONONE
He apologized for not having integrity (aka, being two-faced).

If he had said (as others have), "I am a wild party boy and I'll sleep with whoever I like whenever I like", then there would not have been an integrity issue. The media would still follow his partying (like Tommy Lee) but there would have been no need for an apology.
dirty dog's Avatar
I am sure there will be a special any day now about this shit all over again, probably have Dr. Drew on it. The bottom line is this, its not of anyones business who he is fucking, the fact that the public and the media thinks it is makes my mind explode, its amazing to me how anyone can feel like their owed anything from tiger just because he is a professional sports figure. Just another example of just how fucked up this country is becomming.
The lesson to be learned from this is that "the press" is a bigger threat to most of us than getting caught up in some LE sting.

.....Tiger never thought all the shit that reigned down on him would happen. It didn't even occur to him how far the impact would be felt. Have you thought that far ahead? Maybe we should all take a little time to re-evaluate our actions and, if necessary, modify them. Originally Posted by cpi3000
Tiger never thought all the shit that reigned down on him would happen. It didn't even occur to him how far the impact would be felt. Have you thought that far ahead? Maybe we should all take a little time to re-evaluate our actions and, if necessary, modify them.
Your very right CPI - this is a good reminder for every hobbyist and provider. That still small voice, that should I, that but what if, ....research, research and caution?
ANONONE's Avatar
He apologized for not having integrity (aka, being two-faced). Originally Posted by BiggestBest
Like I said, being a man. If you are active in the hobby and you are also critical of Tiger Woods. . .

You might want to be the rock down.
