A contrast in Leadeship

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Zelensky Prepares to fight with his people - even if it means his death

Biden, who's ineptness and weakness caused this to happen, is taking the weekend off in Delaware... I guess he needs a break after a long week of complete failure.
berryberry's Avatar
New tonight: US stands ready to evacuate Zelensky as Russian forces move in on Kyiv.


Ukraine's president rebuffed US pleas to flee, an American associate tells SpyTalk.


Zelensky understands what the US does not. His death, if it comes to that, means more for his nation's survival in the long run than being whisked out by US special forces

Meanwhile feckless Biden runs off to Delaware to rest for the weekend
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An all time Senile Biden campaign moment from 2019 - what a fucking imbecile:

"Imagine what can happen in Ukraine" if Trump is re-elected


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'I need ammunition, not a ride': Ukraine's president declines US urging to evacuate

Ukrainian media reports that Ukranian president Zelensky is still in Kyiv and personally involved in coordinating the defense of the city

HDGristle's Avatar
This is an example many on the left and right need to follow and drink in.

Guts, in the face of overwhelming adversity. Not bluster and talk about wanting to beat up a spineless bully like it's high school in the 50's. Not a spineless bully sucking up to killers and thugs.

I hope it holds. He and the Klitschko's are just a few, among many, who will almost certainly be high priority targets for their love of country and criticisms of Putin.


Zelensky Prepares to fight with his people - even if it means his death

Biden, who's ineptness and weakness caused this to happen, is taking the weekend off in Delaware... I guess he needs a break after a long week of complete failure. Originally Posted by berryberry

Zelensky is a pretty cool dude, shame Trump tried to blackmail him by withholding aide for dirt on his rivals.
berryberry's Avatar
Zelensky is a pretty cool dude, shame Trump tried to blackmail him by withholding aide for dirt on his rivals. Originally Posted by zippyboy
Except of course he didn't. But you do you
I have the word of a former United States Light Colonel that listened in on the call as was his duty to do so.
Why was he given that duty?
Because that colonel proved himself to be an honorable man.
Not a liar like that piece of shit he testified against!
The same turd that you crow about everyday!
That same Colonel, that's right Colonel Vindman!
That mousey looking fucker that apparently has the heart of a lion!
Yeah that guy!

He swore an oath to uphold and defend the constitution to these United States!
Now what would you know about that?
Yeah I thought as much!
It's exact same oath that I took as an EM!
And the same oath that your cowardly orange turd took to be president!
Your turd cannot even get a fucking bank to do business with him anymore!
Why is that?
Lies and fraud?
Yes that why!
I would bet the good colonel just goes down the street to do his banking!
This is a man that was wounded in combat in service to this country.
A man that was entrusted to lead American soldiers in combat
And was trusted with thier very lives!
A man that put his hand on the Bible and swore to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth on his word of honor!
And once again what would you know about That?
Yeah...... I thought as much!
See Berry there's something you don't understand.
The word honor!
The United States military officer corps takes the word honor very seriously!
Have you led troops in combat?
As I said, he did!
Did private bonespurs?
And without honor he would never been given a command!
And they do watch!
Especially when your a young lieutenant, when your most likely to exibit character flaws, or to make stupid mistakes that get half of your platoon killed!
How much honor does private bonespur have?
And for that matter how much do you have?
Not much from what I can tell, you endorse and spout lies here daily!
You crow about conspiracy theories on here that any sane and rational person know fucking well are lies and fabrications!
And so kindly providing links to that right wing swill that fucked up the brains of the Maga world!
So Joe, there you go!
Just like the Mueller report was obstructed at every turn!
We were forced to endure the obstruction of the whole of the Republican party when he wasn't impeached in the senate
A move strongly regretted by Senator McConnell today you can see the sorrow on his sorry assed face!

He did it and you/we know it!
So put that in your pipe and smoke it!
Fucking treason around here, it like dogturds in my neighbors yard!
Your gonna step in it!
See ya joe!
I gotta go wipe my shoes off!

Except of course he didn't. But you do you Originally Posted by berryberry
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berryberry's Avatar
And just to remind everyone - this thread is about the Contrast between Zelensky and feckless Biden. It has zero to do with President Trump

So please get back on topic now

Originally Posted by berryberry
bambino's Avatar
TRAITOR Originally Posted by Dogface78
Oh say can you see…………
Ok, Biden has done a fantastic job pulling NATO together, after Trump fucked them over
Trump coundnt even lead his people by keeping them alive during covid by telling them to wear a mask.
When that started the estimates were about 35,000 dead by the time we would be able to get a handle on it!
The experts said wearing a mask slows the transmission!
Something very apparent to even the dimmest normal American!
After all its airborne!
But MAGA morons being the morons that they are well we get what we got!
And dark ages Don couldn't see it, so it all fake news right?
And we now know that douchbag knew how deadly it was from Woodard interview with him!
Biden has its pretty much under control considering that it was permitted to run rampant!
Now there's leadership for you!
Putting on a mask, and telling your people to do like wise was apparently more leadership than douchbag Donald had in him!

500,000 dead!
Thank you Donald Trump!

And as to your cartoonish attempt to smear Vindman?
If you served then you know of what I am talking about!
If not your lible to think like Berry, and I cannot believe that I am the only veteran here to be correcting you on this issue!
If Vindman had done to a private soldier what Trump did to him!
If the lie was big enough Vindman would have faced a court Marshall and possibly Leavenworth!
And if it was just a little white lie against a private soldier not considered prosecutable he would would not be permitted to do another hitch!
Nore would his fellow officers trust him!
One lie Joe, that's all it would take to destroy your career!
See Joe lying in the American military is a prosecutable offence it's not called lying!
I believe its called uttering a statement that you know to be untrue!
In other words a lie!
I that's what I believe the Navy calls it in Rocks and Shoals.
It's been years since I had that conversation with that Marine,
Rocks and Shoals being things that you don't want to hit with your boat!
Yeah you naval shitheads, I called it a boat!
It is the name of book of Naval laws that Navy JAG officers use to discipline and govern naval personnel!
And the army has a similar book of laws that more consern land warfare!
It's called the uniform code of mitilary justice!
Or as we called it UCMJ!
I cannot believe I couldnt remember that for a minute, I almost had to look it up!
But it been awhile.
And I was Army, Oh the shame!

Any lie by an officer if he's caught is a serious problem for the liar if he is a member of the US Militaries Officer Corp in any branch of service!
It end careers if your caught!

Notice Vindman was retired honorably in the rank he last held!
Had he lied in such a high profile situation not only lying but lying against the president of the United States it would have absolutely been a court marshall of fence, and jailing!
For certain!
And every vet knows this even if you don't!
Not everybody lies joe!

And that's exactly what Trump did to Vindman!
An officer lying against a private soldier!
In case I had to spell it out for you!

Now go ahead and make some other childish comment!
It's to be expected from you when you take a good clubbing!

I have the word of a former United States Light Colonel that listened in on the call as was his duty to do so.
Why was he given that duty?
Because that colonel proved himself to be an honorable man.
Not a liar like that piece of shit he testified against!
The same turd that you crow about everyday!
That same Colonel, that's right Colonel Vindman!
That mousey looking fucker that apparently has the heart of a lion!
Yeah that guy!

He swore an oath to uphold and defend the constitution to these United States!
Now what would you know about that?
Yeah I thought as much!
It's exact same oath that I took as an EM!
And the same oath that your cowardly orange turd took to be president!
Your turd cannot even get a fucking bank to do business with him anymore!
Why is that?
Lies and fraud?
Yes that why!
I would bet the good colonel just goes down the street to do his banking!
This is a man that was wounded in combat in service to this country.
A man that was entrusted to lead American soldiers in combat
And was trusted with thier very lives!
A man that put his hand on the Bible and swore to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth on his word of honor!
And once again what would you know about That?
Yeah...... I thought as much!
See Berry there's something you don't understand.
The word honor!
The United States military officer corps takes the word honor very seriously!
Have you led troops in combat?
As I said, he did!
Did private bonespurs?
And without honor he would never been given a command!
And they do watch!
Especially when your a young lieutenant, when your most likely to exibit character flaws, or to make stupid mistakes that get half of your platoon killed!
How much honor does private bonespur have?
And for that matter how much do you have?
Not much from what I can tell, you endorse and spout lies here daily!
You crow about conspiracy theories on here that any sane and rational person know fucking well are lies and fabrications!
And so kindly providing links to that right wing swill that fucked up the brains of the Maga world!
So Joe, there you go!
Just like the Mueller report was obstructed at every turn!
We were forced to endure the obstruction of the whole of the Republican party when he wasn't impeached in the senate
A move strongly regretted by Senator McConnell today you can see the sorrow on his sorry assed face!

He did it and you/we know it!
So put that in your pipe and smoke it!
Fucking treason around here, it like dogturds in my neighbors yard!
Your gonna step in it!
See ya joe!
I gotta go wipe my shoes off! Originally Posted by Dogface78
Ok, Biden has done a fantastic job pulling NATO together, after Trump fucked them over
Trump coundnt even lead his people by keeping them alive during covid by telling them to wear a mask.
When that started the estimates were about 35,000 dead by the time we would be able to get a handle on it!
The experts said wearing a mask slows the transmission!
Something very apparent to even the dimmest normal American!
After all its airborne!
But MAGA morons being the morons that they are well we get what we got!
And dark ages Don couldn't see it, so it all fake news right?
And we now know that douchbag knew how deadly it was from Woodard interview with him!
Biden has its pretty much under control considering that it was permitted to run rampant!
Now there's leadership for you!
Putting on a mask, and telling your people to do like wise was apparently more leadership than douchbag Donald had in him!

500,000 dead!
Thank you Donald Trump!

And as to your cartoonish attempt to smear Vindman?
If you served then you know of what I am talking about!
If not your lible to think like Berry, and I cannot believe that I am the only veteran here to be correcting you on this issue!
If Vindman had done to a private soldier what Trump did to him!
If the lie was big enough Vindman would have faced a court Marshall and possibly Leavenworth!
And if it was just a little white lie against a private soldier not considered prosecutable he would would not be permitted to do another hitch!
Nore would his fellow officers trust him!
One lie Joe, that's all it would take to destroy your career!
See Joe lying in the American military is a prosecutable offence it's not called lying!
I believe its called uttering a statement that you know to be untrue!
In other words a lie!
I that's what I believe the Navy calls it in Rocks and Shoals.
It's been years since I had that conversation with that Marine,
Rocks and Shoals being things that you don't want to hit with your boat!
Yeah you naval shitheads, I called it a boat!
It is the name of book of Naval laws that Navy JAG officers use to discipline and govern naval personnel!
And the army has a similar book of laws that more consern land warfare!
It's called the uniform code of mitilary justice!
Or as we called it UCMJ!
I cannot believe I couldnt remember that for a minute, I almost had to look it up!
But it been awhile.
And I was Army, Oh the shame!

Any lie by an officer if he's caught is a serious problem for the liar if he is a member of the US Militaries Officer Corp in any branch of service!
It end careers if your caught!

Notice Vindman was retired honorably in the rank he last held!
Had he lied in such a high profile situation not only lying but lying against the president of the United States it would have absolutely been a court marshall of fence, and jailing!
For certain!
And every vet knows this even if you don't!
Not everybody lies joe!

And that's exactly what Trump did to Vindman!
An officer lying against a private soldier!
In case I had to spell it out for you!

Now go ahead and make some other childish comment!
It's to be expected from you when you take a good clubbing! Originally Posted by Dogface78
I would like to make a correction in my statement, Rocks and Shoals was blended into the UCMJ quite some time ago in the 1950s!
I had to look it up because, and I remembered a bit more of the conversation with that Marine, it was in the mid 1980s and the marine was an old guy telling me about the old days and I'm an old guy now!
So hey Sue me
But I didn't want to give out bad info!
But everything else is as stands, you lie as an officer in our military and get caught your career is over!
HDGristle's Avatar
Let's not forget

Michael Beschloss (@BeschlossDC) Tweeted:
"Trump campaign guts GOP’s anti-Russia stance on Ukraine”—July 18, 2016, Josh Rogin, Washington Post: https://t.co/lgKNFHQ9lv https://twitter.com/BeschlossDC/stat...oQHLHYB0BYaJcg
The Ukrainian people used to be a Republican priority. It was shocking that they weren't.

Should be one now. We need to help Zelensky and his people. He's got the guts and the home turf advantage. Let's get his people the food, the supplies, the medical assistance, the funds and the ammo to get Russia to fuck off and get out of their country.