Ally and Jess??

Any ideas? I looked up the old link but not super helpful.
Looks like they are working with Gia as well. I never saw her, but I wonder if she’s acting as a mentor of sorts.
I reached out and didnt hear back, reached out to jess individually and she wanted a 50$ deposit for pretty high rates so i passed
I guess Jess has come down with GPS......too bad......I would love too fuck her and Ally
Nice Diamond on her finger..........
Eh I see them still, do duo with them. I seen Jess way back when she started and ally eh seen her last year. I wouldn't say Jess has GPS her rates a fair for me non the less Along with ally.

They recently just got back in and Jess tits shrank some so these are older pics and ally gain a good weight. Maybe cause I was a regular the price wasn't bad, but it seems around the same if I was new.