Dem Rep. Breaks From Democratic Talking Points On Border Wall

TheDaliLama's Avatar

Rep. John Yarmuth (D-KY) admitted in a recent interview that the amount of money that President Donald Trump is requesting for a border wall is not a lot of money, and that a wall would help secure the border.

Yarmuth, chairman of the House Budget Committee, told Buck Sexton on Hill TV's "Rising" that at "one point, Democrats were willing to give $25 billion for border security, just a year ago, in exchange for a deal on DACA."

Yarmouth struggled to explain why Democrats now oppose securing the U.S. border — a position that they have traditionally supported.

Sexton asked Yarmuth: "So why do we keep hearing members of the Democratic Congress come forward saying that it wouldn't work and it's stupid, when not only do we have the people who are actually in charge of border security saying it would work and it's not stupid, we can see that it already does work in places where there is a wall?"

"That's exactly right," Yarmuth responded.
bamscram's Avatar
Looks like the republicans flipped him.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Yarmuth, chairman of the House Budget Committee, told Buck Sexton on Hill TV's "Rising" that at "one point, Democrats were willing to give $25 billion for border security, just a year ago, in exchange for a deal on DACA."

Who flipped?
bamscram's Avatar
If you remember the turtle signed it sent it to Trump who backed out after he said he would sign it.