Possible Guide for Newbies

I’m considering retirement. Whether and When I retire is up in the air. But, a lot of people helped me when I started out, so this is my chance to give back.

At one point, I had contemplated writing a guide about the hobby.

Granted, I wouldn’t consider myself to be an expert. I would reserve that for the likes of Boeingguy, Hotrix1, KosherCowboy and LoveitDou.

But, I’ve partaken in the hobby on at the international level.

IF there is an interest, I’ll write and post my thoughts.

I doubt it will help the more seasoned hobbyist, but maybe be of use to those starting out.

Let me know what topic you’d like to know about.

And whether this should be published in Co-Ed or the Men’s Forum.
"I’m considering retirement."
Me too. As I approach my 80th birthday I am considering it...
Then I think better of it. I am too old to enjoy golf any more
and being retired I have all this free time. So, Mr. Bird, I would
suggest you have "Another think commin'"
I am 59 and too old to enjoy golf also so I just putt around and play with a hole or two.
Camelguy's Avatar
My feelings my change as I get older I don't know. As far as the way I feel now I want to die on the down stroke so I get just one more when she rolls me off !!!
  • idazz
  • 05-17-2020, 07:37 PM
As a frequenter of AMP's, the main reason reason I havent ever seen a Provider is that I have read some pretty crazy things in some reviews and also some incredible ones. I tend to always imagine to worse case scenario and have stayed away. Any tips on overcoming this feeling of seeing a provider for the first time ever?
As a frequenter of AMP's, the main reason reason I havent ever seen a Provider is that I have read some pretty crazy things in some reviews and also some incredible ones. I tend to always imagine to worse case scenario and have stayed away. Any tips on overcoming this feeling of seeing a provider for the first time ever? Originally Posted by idazz
Go to the tried and true ones. The pickings are slim depending on your area. STG is going to be a crap shoot with unreviewed girls. You have to rely on the reviews. There's no guarantee that the amps are going to be a fun time. Some of the girls will be less money than an amp and better service and fuller menu.
  • idazz
  • 05-17-2020, 07:49 PM
Thanks for the comment! I have followed alot of the reviews here and see whos pretty consistent. Im based in pensacola and there does seem to be a good pick of some ladies.
hotrix1's Avatar
I’m considering retirement. Originally Posted by blackbird_nevermore
Waaaay too early, Grasshopper!

I am 59 and too old to enjoy golf also so I just putt around and play with a hole or two. Originally Posted by duraman
Personally prefer to have 3 holes-in-one.

Some of you fuckers in the Panhandle have no idea how good you have it there. I wish I could partake of some of the recent talent that showed up in the last year.

Just don't put up with the bullshit artists. Call out the thieves, the flakes and the fakes. After all they all steal one thing. YOUR TIME. And worse some steal your money by being devious. You have better things to do than deal with unreliable pussy when you want to give them your business. Don't take it lying down. Take your business elsewhere and pick your balls/backbone off the floor.

Call it like it is for everyone to see. For better, or worse. You eventually come out ahead when you have the credibility among fellow hobbyist. They may not like you for your style, or for being so fucking damn blunt. But you earn credibility, if not respect.

Just how I see it.
Idazz, I think you’ll enjoy the guide I’ll be writing. But, in the meantime, remember “the devil is in the details.”
You just have to go with your gut feeling...when you get there doesnt mean you have to stay
Of course I don’t know you as well as I may think I do bb, nor do I know all your reasons for possible retirement, but I do know you love the hobby and the boards and all this stuff. I don’t think you finished your bucket list either. I support you in anything you decide, but can you tell me honestly you would be happy without the hobby? I can say honestly I don’t think I’ve ever been happier than I have been since I found the hobby. Tbh I’m sure I could use a bit of the reins pulled in, I definitely dove in dick first (EBC says “weeeeeee”). But I think it would be hard to give it up entirely.

But I will say that I think you were meant to write the guide you’ve been talking about, and you don’t need to retire to do that
  • idazz
  • 05-18-2020, 05:40 PM
Idazz, I think you’ll enjoy the guide I’ll be writing. But, in the meantime, remember “the devil is in the details.” Originally Posted by blackbird_nevermore
You have some very detailed reviews that are amazing. I often wonder if your a writer of some sort with how detailed you are
You have some very detailed reviews that are amazing. I often wonder if your a writer of some sort with how detailed you are Originally Posted by idazz
Nah, he’s just a perv. Lmao.. you know I’m just picking bb.

Anyways, ya know I had an experience tonight. I think I may understand your contemplations more now blackbird. You are wise my friend
You have some very detailed reviews that are amazing. I often wonder if your a writer of some sort with how detailed you are Originally Posted by idazz
I’m just an amateur.

Not close to being near the level of a professional writer.
Pcolaman, well, my journey in the hobby will be different than yours. We all have different reasons on why we hobby and what we’re looking for.

I have had A LOT OF FUN with on my many misadventures. Have I completed my bucket list? No. But, if I retired today, would I be content? Yes.

The following is a blanket statement, and isn’t direct at you, Pcolaman.

For me, the hobby is like a roller coaster. It has the highest highs and the lowest lows.

I look at the hobby similar to personnel management. You have the right person for the job.

You have your dependable girl, who almost always delivers.

And then you have some that are situational, good under the right circumstances.

I like to reward those who treat me well and take care of business. Lately, the amount of reputable, good providers is dwindling down.

If a girl burns me, I don’t go back. (Unless she has a DAMN good reason. Life happens. But, these occurrences should be occasional and not the norm). I’m unforgiving and uncompromising in this.

My thoughts are I had to work and build everything I have from nothing. I have to manage projects, programs and personnel.

I have to be perfect all the time. All day, everyday. Win. Win. Win. Failure is always an option, but it is never an acceptable one.

I make 1/5 of what these girls make an hour before taxes. I look at all the business meetings I have to deal with and the level of support I have to provide.

From suit and tie in dealing with businessmen and politicians to blue jeans and boots while working in the trenches.

So, when I try to book an hour of fun with a girl and pay her a princely wage, it infuriates when she can’t have the courtesy to tell me that she has to cancel. Instead I’m ghosted and my time is wasted.

If you are okay with having your time wasted and will let these girls walk all over you, then cut off your balls and hand them to her.

These girls demand courtesy and timeliness from us, but don’t extend us the same. It’s a double standard...