The Who and Joan Jett

sue_nami's Avatar
Did anyone else see this incredible concert. WOW! they both tore it up. I saw the runaways at the armadillo about 1978 and now the 60 year old Joan Jett still has it going on big time!. The who must be pushing 70 and didn't look a day over 60 LOL> they played great! Fun show.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Did not see this concert but I have tickets to see The Eagles next month.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Fucking awesome show. Much more epic than I would have imagined.
Yup. Pleasantly surprised (had moderate expectations). The Who was on par with when I saw them at 9/11 benefit concert in NYC.
Fletchlives's Avatar
It was a great show. They both killed it. Pete Townshend is a bad ass!

So is Joan Jett for that matter. Too bad her set was so short.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Did not see this concert but I have tickets to see The Eagles next month. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
LOVE The Eagles
BrianSmithYes's Avatar
Great to hear those that attended enjoyed it. I saw a video of The Seeker from the Austin show and it was less than inspiring. I remedied this by watching a video of them from the 70's, and all was well in the world again.
Tatonka's Avatar
It was an amazing concert.
I was very pleasantly surprised by how strong Roger Daltrey's voice was, he sounded great and nailed his screams during "love Reign o'er Me" and "won't get fooled again". Very impressive for a guy who's 71.
Pete was fantastic to, sang well, played very well and was in good spirits.

Been a big fan for many years and was very pleased with their set selection, a great mix of hits and choice cuts.

Joan Jett was a very good choice for an opening act.
tzv13's Avatar
  • tzv13
  • 05-02-2015, 12:50 PM
DaveTv on public access is broadcasting some of the show. I missed it, but what I've seen from it was amazing.
CedarParkTXGuy's Avatar
Enjoyed seeing all of them rock it out! Joan still has it. Townshend and Daltrey were great too!
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 05-04-2015, 09:57 PM
I was there as well... well worth it!

David.Douchehurst's Avatar
LOVE The Eagles Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
Yeah, Ah still 'member yer request at karry-oakey.