Need legal Advice


I need advice on how to respond to a threat for a wage garnishment for a student loan that has not been paid. I can either call and create a repayment plan or request a hearing (via phone) and then select from a number of reasons why I cannot/should not pay the loan back. At this point, I cannot afford to repay the loan nor risk any wage garnishment.

Has anyone ever dealt with some thing like this before? Have any advice on how to respond? Anything I can do to get out of the loan or slow down this process?

Thanks in advance.
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  • tzv13
  • 05-06-2015, 10:14 PM
I don't know about your loans but I am pretty sure most if not all student loans are now owed to the federal government/nelnet.

They will give you forbearance for any little reason. Keep in mind regardless of how long the forbearance lasts.... six months, one year, or longer; the interest still accrues.

Also, I think I've heard that if you work in the field (public service like teaching or social work ect.) of your degree for two years (don't quote me) you can have all of your student loans paid for you by the gov. I honestly don't know if that's true. That's just hearsay, but worth looking into.

I hope this helps. Lord knows I'll be paying my loans forever. :/