ck1942's Avatar
San Antonio Happy Hour
Tuesday, August 19 - 4:30 pm to 8 pm

Everyone (including many new to the events) on the active invite list have been sent em/pm invites.

If you expected an invite and it did not arrive, please let me know, so we can make sure you are still on the invite list as some folks have dropped from active invite status.

Folks have fun at San Antonio's community events:
golfnwine's Avatar
Hope we have a lot of Providers there.
What better way to introduce yourself when business is slow?
bigjimt52's Avatar
we you there,,,ditto what golfnwine says....
TemptationTammie's Avatar
Looking forward to meeting some new folks down here...
Jet Carson's Avatar
its been along time...cant wait to see everyone!
ck1942's Avatar
More than 30 here so far and some already asking about the afterparty!
Wishing I could have made it over there tonight. Was planning on going but my date had to cancel and I could not find a ride. Hopefully I will make it to the next one. Ck is always an amazing host and I love meeting new people and catching up with old friends!
Reminds me of ASPD days......good luck SA
ck1942's Avatar
No. 50 just arrived.

Birthday song sung. Cake served.

Fellowship amazing!
Samcro84's Avatar
Great time. Had to leave early. No after party for me.

Got to see couple ladies that I had not seen their pretty face in a while.

Damn missed the cake!! 😭

Very sad I couldn't make it. I had obligations I could not get out of. I am glad it was a good gathering of fun folks. Here's to the next time.

Big One's Avatar
Had a great time, meet several ladies and enjoyed the cake!
sms918's Avatar
CK, wow great time.

gathering was fantastic, lots of people. (except missing a certain blond friend of mine)

nice mix of new and old friends. out of towners always fun to see. Some really beautiful women.

A certain friend from Dallas. A stunning provider who I've heard about but never got to talk to before( except a pm I recently sent). Some providers not on this board. Some from Austin. regular attendees and new faces.

*after party was very stimulating, conversation and the view.
ck1942's Avatar
What a very robust (more than 50!) attendance! My oh my, amazing the response to those who hadn't been for a while, and for all the brand new appearances, too.

But many regular attendees pleaded out of town or RW duties that curtailed party plans.

All in all, there was so much fun (despite my personal fatigue I managed to hang in there well past projected LCFA [last call for alcohol] due to lack of recent sleep) and our venue enjoyed our custom so much,

we've been invited back for a reprise next Wednesday!

Yup, not our customary HH day in SA, but Austin's Wednesday HH's have been going strong, trialing Hump Day Happy Hour will demonstrate a learning curve?

More info later today for those on the invite lists.
Guest121917-1's Avatar
GreAt seeing everyone