Premium after review

Whats the process for premium after a review is submitted?
Wait for one of the modtards to say check yer PM's
offshoredrilling's Avatar
wait till a mod reads it

bar only you can see will change

from pending to good or bad
then you get the post please read your pm's if not good

if you got thanks from members but a read pm from a mod

you did the right thing for members but not the board ahem bad boy

forget the warning or points

n try to turn the thanks ta beers

my SHMB errr ops SSMB lawyer is MIA
so my getting no sex I will say is by intent

so no Reports by me, fucking lawyer I blame him LOL
lilylivered's Avatar

Wait for one of the modtards to say check yer PM's Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
If you are talking about your last review, you will get PA, especially if Gman gets to it first, he approves everything.
You have the name and contact info AND the activities are described in the ROS AND you included the donation.

I'd approve it.... but nobody wants THAT!!
Samcro84's Avatar
Here is a link to follow for reviews.

You cannot submit a review on same provider for 90 days.

Here is a link to follow for reviews.

You cannot submit a review on same provider for 90 days.

San Originally Posted by Samcro84
You CAN submit a review of the same provider before 90 days are up, but you won't get PA credit for it.
And the clock starts over.
Just trying to be accurate.