All things abortion

winn dixie's Avatar
All things abortion. personal views religious views population control women's rights women's health and safety laws roe v wade limits to abortions right to choose etc..all opinions.....

Started this thread because of a thought provoking post by yssup in another thread.

And who is qualified to define medical emergency? Some dipshit legislator from rural Alabama elected by 1500 people?
Or medical professionals?

Above post by yssup rider.
Yssup nailed it.
Overturning roe v wade was a huge mistake. It didn't reflect what over sixty percent of Americans believe. Which is the right to choose up to a certain number of weeks and for health and in cases of incest or rape.
No politician should be dictating the right to choose.
winn dixie's Avatar
We regressed as a society with the draconian overturning of roe v wade
The right to choose is not a fed matter nor a state matter. It's a personal right to choose.
We regressed as a society with the draconian overturning of roe v wade
The right to choose is not a fed matter nor a state matter. It's a personal right to choose. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Everyone has a personal right of choice. The right to choose the make and model of car you drive, the house you live in and it's furnishings, your line of work, friends, clothing ect. But no one has the right to kill babies in the womb. The only thing that ends a pregnancy is birth. Abortion doesn't end a pregnancy it kills the developing fetus or embryo and no one has a right to make that choice based on their feelings. Women who are healthy and their unborn child is healthy and developing normally when they choose abortion they are not only committing feticide but they are also committing a Satanic Act. Advocating Abortion is not a good human trait.
winn dixie's Avatar
We can go back to the egg in the ladies funnel. Each month when she menstrates and gets rid of the egg is that killing? Or ever time a guy Jack's off and releases millions of live swimmers only to be wiped up by a cum rag then drowned in the washing machine.
A birth certificate has the date and time when you're born. It doesn't recognize the nine months prior.
When a person dies. On the tombstone or death announcement it will have birth date and date of death. Most will say aged x amount of years. Or LIVED x amount of years. None include the 9 months prior to birth. There's a simple reason for that
DNinja69's Avatar
Everyone has a personal right of choice. The right to choose the make and model of car you drive, the house you live in and it's furnishings, your line of work, friends, clothing ect. But no one has the right to kill babies in the womb. The only thing that ends a pregnancy is birth. Abortion doesn't end a pregnancy it kills the developing fetus or embryo and no one has a right to make that choice based on their feelings. Women who are healthy and their unborn child is healthy and developing normally when they choose abortion they are not only committing feticide but they are also committing a Satanic Act. Advocating Abortion is not a good human trait. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Pretty strong words and to be fair not everyone who is in favor of the government staying out of our personal life choices is a disciple of Satan or poor excuse for a human. Parental rights extend pretty far and whether we like it or not do include the choice to terminate a pregnancy. Our government is then tasked to determine what guidelines represent a reasonable system.

A good majority of Americans believe abortion is a personal choice and should be allowed with limitations. Abortion numbers have been pretty high in Florida, Georgia, and fairly high in Texas so it is a choice people across the political spectrum.

For me it really isn't about the idea of abortion as much as the lack of legal avenues for the government to deny it as an option. Either we follow the Constitution or we don't. If the Bible is going to replace it then that should be something we get to vote on no?
We can go back to the egg in the ladies funnel. Each month when she menstrates and gets rid of the egg is that killing? Or ever time a guy Jack's off and releases millions of live swimmers only to be wiped up by a cum rag then drowned in the washing machine.
A birth certificate has the date and time when you're born. It doesn't recognize the nine months prior.
When a person dies. On the tombstone or death announcement it will have birth date and date of death. Most will say aged x amount of years. Or LIVED x amount of years. None include the 9 months prior to birth. There's a simple reason for that Originally Posted by winn dixie
No, it's called menstruation. The reason why women have a menstrual cycle is because if pregnancy hasn't occurred the womb or uterus lining sheds. In other words conception didn't take place which is the beginning of life. Don't start getting twisted into this subject because you'll start looking really stupid.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The hypocrisy of the right on this is and has always been stunning.
Pretty strong words and to be fair not everyone who is in favor of the government staying out of our personal life choices is a disciple of Satan or poor excuse for a human. Parental rights extend pretty far and whether we like it or not do include the choice to terminate a pregnancy. Our government is then tasked to determine what guidelines represent a reasonable system.

A good majority of Americans believe abortion is a personal choice and should be allowed with limitations. Abortion numbers have been pretty high in Florida, Georgia, and fairly high in Texas so it is a choice people across the political spectrum.

For me it really isn't about the idea of abortion as much as the lack of legal avenues for the government to deny it as an option. Either we follow the Constitution or we don't. If the Bible is going to replace it then that should be something we get to vote on no? Originally Posted by DNinja69
Abortion has nothing to do with Government. America is a Country of Laws not Men. The Constitution doesn't afford any right to Abortion. Government has become way to big it finds it's way into every nook and cranny of our lives. The more they intervene the more complicated issues become. Government has three basic responsibilities to the people and that is Life, Liberty and Prosperity and they have the responsibility to protect those basic rights.
The hypocrisy of the right on this is and has always been stunning. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
No it's not hypocrisy of the "Right" it's the blatant perversion of Government from the Democrats that's what is stunning.
VitaMan's Avatar
The Republicans have decided for everyone when life begins ?

Not everyone believes the same as what you believe...yet you are going to force your beliefs on them ?

Remember the religious was the same thing. That is why many fled to America, to be free from persecution.

What next ?
DNinja69's Avatar
Abortion has nothing to do with Government. America is a Country of Laws not Men. The Constitution doesn't afford any right to Abortion. Government has become way to big it finds it's way into every nook and cranny of our lives. The more they intervene the more complicated issues become. Government has three basic responsibilities to the people and that is Life, Liberty and Prosperity and they have the responsibility to protect those basic rights. Originally Posted by Levianon17
The Constitution does not afford rights it is intended to be a tool used uphold and protect them. We do not have any inherent right to abortion and you are correct if it is against the law then it becomes a government issue. I really have no issue with a state that wishes to outlaw the practice we have the ability to travel for medical procedures. Then again some states have attempted to criminalize that concept as well as deny Plan B availability which is an overreach for sure.
winn dixie's Avatar
No, it's called menstruation. The reason why women have a menstrual cycle is because if pregnancy hasn't occurred the womb or uterus lining sheds. In other words conception didn't take place which is the beginning of life. Don't start getting twisted into this subject because you'll start looking really stupid. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Life starts at conception? Hmmmmmm
Separation between church and state!
The very few far right have taken away rights that a majority wants. All because of religion.

I'll play that game on a bigger scale.
Suicide is wrong per the good book?
OK. With over population eventually we'll run out of resources and humans will be to blame for a massive death toll. Call it murder or suicide idc. That's what it is. Abortion is a right and a tool to utilize so we don't over populate. Overpopulation can be considered glutuney and selfish. What does religion say about that?
So in a democracy with separation between church and state the freedom to choose is a right. With some minor limitations.
winn dixie's Avatar
And who is qualified to define medical emergency? Some dipshit legislator from rural Alabama elected by 1500 people?
Or medical professionals?

Yssups post is not limited just to the emergency topic.
It reaches out much further by also asking who can make a better choice on a person's body? The few far right or the person? The answer is obvious
VitaMan's Avatar
Does a petri dish have a soul..holding an individual...a consciousness ?

That is what the Republicans want everyone to believe.

Why can't they leave others with differing beliefs alone ?
txdot-guy's Avatar
Abortion has nothing to do with Government. America is a Country of Laws not Men. The Constitution doesn't afford any right to Abortion. Government has become way to big it finds it's way into every nook and cranny of our lives. The more they intervene the more complicated issues become. Government has three basic responsibilities to the people and that is Life, Liberty and Prosperity and they have the responsibility to protect those basic rights. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Did you ever consider that the constitution doesn’t protect a woman’s bodily autonomy because it was written exclusively by men. I have a feeling that if women were involved in the process their rights would be better protected.

This is why the equal rights amendment needs to be passed.