What's up with the high travel fees?

mrkcmo's Avatar
Okay... don't crucify me... but what is up with all the travel fees lately??? It's like the hobby is taking notes from the airline industry. I have had three responses to requests for outcalls with "travel fees" ranging from $50 to $100 dollars above normal rates.

Please tell me this is just a fad or am I missing something!

(BTW I always tip $20 to $30 when a girl travels to see me just ask the providers who have seen me!)

Different fees for incall and outcall have been present in the hobby for as long as I can remember. Most providers do charge between 50 and 100 additionally for outcall appointments. There are some providers that do this in reverse if they normally prefer to have outcall appointments (they then charge 50 to 100 more for incall since they have to get a hotel room). It's not unusual.

BTW - There is no such thing as a "normal" rate. It is the provider's incall rate vs. their outcall rate.
50 is pretty typical additional fee for outcall. Outcall involves higher risk, and also involves more time invested. Every provider is different, and often their rate structure is a reflection of their preference. Women who prefer outcall over incall may price outcall lower to encourage more outcalls, while those who prefer incall may do the opposite.

But charging more for outcall is nothing new. Its been that way since I started escorting six years ago.
mrkcmo's Avatar
Different fees for incall and outcall have been present in the hobby for as long as I can remember. Most providers do charge between 50 and 100 additionally for outcall appointments. There are some providers that do this in reverse if they normally prefer to have outcall appointments (they then charge 50 to 100 more for incall since they have to get a hotel room). It's not unusual.

BTW - There is no such thing as a "normal" rate. It is the provider's incall rate vs. their outcall rate. Originally Posted by fritz3552
I understand an incall/outcall rate... these fees were being quoted on top of the outcall rate... first time I have seen this in my 15 years of hobbying.

The normal rate comment was more of a way of saying above and beyond what would be considered normal for the provider... just fyi
mrkcmo's Avatar
50 is pretty typical additional fee for outcall. Outcall involves higher risk, and also involves more time invested. Every provider is different, and often their rate structure is a reflection of their preference. Women who prefer outcall over incall may price outcall lower to encourage more outcalls, while those who prefer incall may do the opposite.

But charging more for outcall is nothing new. Its been that way since I started escorting six years ago. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
I agree but normally it is included in the outcall rate... not as a fee on top of the outcall rate.

Was just something new for me and having heard it 3 times in a row today I was like WOW!
My first thought when seeing this thread heading was to quote James Carville back in the Clinton campaign... "It's the economy, stupid". But then, after reading the gist of the query regading fees for outcalls, etc, I thought fritz and stacy answered it quite well.
bartipero's Avatar
Look at it this way, airlines didn't use to charge for bags. Some girls are American, some Southwest. I didn't use to have to ask for my change back in a restaurant. People used to be smart enough to make their own clever remarks rather than copy air headed commercial sayings from no less than a Penny's commercial. Oh, my bad. And "I mean" is the new "um" or can substitute for "you know", especially if you're a football or basketball player, college coach, or talking head on CNBC.

But look at it this way, they've achieved synergy by partnering with you, but it's good that you reached out. Now, do you want fries with that shake?
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I understand an incall/outcall rate... these fees were being quoted on top of the outcall rate... first time I have seen this in my 15 years of hobbying.

The normal rate comment was more of a way of saying above and beyond what would be considered normal for the provider... just fyi Originally Posted by mrkcmo
If they have an incall rate and then an outcall rate listed but are asking for more on top of the outcall rate it kind of sounds like husting for a tip.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Heck, some of us fly all the way to KCMO from Dallas and actually charge LESS for my time than I do at home <bats eyelashes>
Unless someone is more than 50 miles from the downtown KC radius, I never charge additional for outcall.

So, when I come back through in October - I'll come out and see you luv for the same donation as if you were to see me.

Coming from a provider, Outcalls have always been more.
JackJohnson's Avatar
Heck, some of us fly all the way to KCMO from Dallas and actually charge LESS for my time than I do at home <bats eyelashes> Originally Posted by GracePreston
That's because Kansas City is AWESOME I think more women should take a cue from you obvious understanding of its true place in the universe. Women want to be there so bad, they will take less... and get more...

Note: Yes there could be many other reasons. I miss KC this afternoon, I wanna move home! LOL. Chiefs performance notwithstanding. So Meh!
IMHO, The most common reason that there is a surcharge or price difference between incall and outcall is fairly simple, and in the final analysis, it all boils down in the end to one thing - preference.

If the lady prefers to have you come to her, she'll price outcall prohibitively.
If the lady prefers to come to you, she'll price incall prohibitively.

IME, throughout the country as a whole, it is about evenly split - those ladies offering incall higher and those ladies offering outcall higher. It is somewhat perilous for a lady to not offer both - as it can impact her being considered a legitimate provider by many gentlemen . . . many times gentlemen will see the lack of one or the other as a "red flag". IMHO, it is not a good "red flag" indicator, but it happens. And, MANY times a gentleman can only do one or the other, so by offering both but one at a higher price, the lady may still attract his inquiry. Once she has that contact, she can attempt to switch him into the method she prefers or arrive at an accommodation if he can make her feel comfortable. So, she ends up pricing both and those ladies that can't figure out (or don't want) to price them the same and then tell their client only one or the other is available, end up pricing their preferred method higher.

As I said, IME, that is the bottom line. Whatever the reason / excuse the lady offers, it all boils down to her pricing the method she prefers inexpensively. In some cases, the price difference is astounding.

Now, might there be a myriad reasons why she has the preference? Certainly! However, detailing them really is futile, IMHO, because the only one reason everyone can ever agree upon in my experience (both males and females alike, across what is probably hundreds of instances of this same discussion on many a board) is that she feels more comfortable offering one over the other and she will price accordingly.

Cost of the room, cost of gas, she doesn't own a car, etc., it doesn't really matter . . . they are all things ladies will tell you, and things simply overcome or remedied - but in the final analysis, no matter what the extenuating circumstance, she'll always price the one she likes to do for less, and trust me, the cheaper of the two will always be the one where she feels more comfortable / safe.

Of course, temporary price increases are a whole other discussion, I am addressing only instances of ladies that have the pricing difference over time, consistently.

Ladies that travel are an exception also - more often than not they will arrive in town with limited funds available and price their outcall more attractively, changing to incall more inexpensively when they have secured a room. Ladies that know what they're doing always arrive with incall secured in advance of their arrival while touring. Regardless, however, after they have been in town for any length of time, their pricing will change based on preference if they stay, it always does.


- Jackie
KCQuestor's Avatar
but in the final analysis, no matter what the extenuating circumstance, she'll always price the one she likes to do for less, and trust me, the cheaper of the two will always be the one where she feels more comfortable/safe. Originally Posted by Jackie Devlin
Such good advice.
Cost of the room, cost of gas, she doesn't own a car, etc., it doesn't really matter . . . Originally Posted by Jackie Devlin
I agree with this 100% I rarely ever charge a traveling fee but when I do I make it enough to cover my fuel and a Mountain dew that is all if you are within an hour I do not. over that it become necessary I believe.