1 PM EST: Obama warns Putin, 2 PM EST: Putin invades Crimea

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
and Obama goes out for a beer with the boys. President Obama said that “the United States will stand with the international community in affirming that there will be costs for any military intervention in Ukraine.” President limp dick!

Just like Benghazi again. Obama talks about "reports" of troop movements while reporters are showing soldiers on the ground at the airports and ports. Talk about Baghdad Bob. Since he can't cancel our participation in the Olympics maybe he'll just cancel his visit later this year....that'll show em.

by the way, in 2008 someone warned that if Obama was elected Putin would likely invade the Ukraine and Obama would be hapless. Thanks for the warning Sarah Palin.
1 PM EST: Obama warns Putin, 2 PM EST: Putin invades Crimea and Obama goes out for a beer with the boys. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Please provide the link to "..... and Obama goes out for a beer with the boys."

President Obama said that “the United States will stand with the international community in affirming that there will be costs for any military intervention in Ukraine.” President limp dick! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
In his rush to negative judgement, JD Idiot doesn't allow time for the facts to develop prior to casting dispersions.

I suspect it is probably better to give this a few days and/or weeks to see how the situation develops prior to JD putting on the Monday Morning Quarterback hat that never seems to fit properly.

I can't help but wonder if JD Idiot was as frustrated when GW spent the 5 1/2 years following 9/11 twiddling his thumbs while "Wanted, Dead or Alive" OBL, continued to run free.

Fortunately for us all, OBL now sleeps with the fishes! 'Nuff said!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-01-2014, 06:06 AM

by the way, in 2008 someone warned that if Obama was elected Putin would likely invade the Ukraine and Obama would be hapless. Thanks for the warning Sarah Palin. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Sara Palin is JD's go to expert on a ll things Russian as she can see it from her backyard!
JCM800's Avatar
Since he can't cancel our participation in the Olympics maybe he'll just cancel his visit later this year....that'll show em. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
the Olympics are already over JD.
Sara scored higher than JD on the Mensa test.
J.D. Idiot, crawl back into the rat infested hole, where you belong!

Fuk'n Weasel!
Double post
Putin just submitted a proposal to parliament to use military force in Ukraine .
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Personally, I've always thought of the Ukraine as part of Russia. If Texas were trying to secede, which I wish it would, the government should let it go peacefully in the spirit of self determination. Our currency could be the Euro or the Shekel - I'm sure Israel wouldn't mind.
Anyway, those internal issues of Russia are not our business and although I wouldn't mind the minimum wage causing temporary economic decline in America to illustrate liberal stupidity, I do not want to risk war with the wounded Russian bear, who might conclude if they are going to die, we will also.
The problem in the Ukraine is that just as many people want a strong tie with Russia as want ties with Western Europe.

This is a tough nut to crack. President Obama should just say as little as possible, because his words have consequences, especially when there is very little you can do. Putin, who is always the 800 pound gorilla in that room, knows this, and sees the US as a big paper tiger who is war weary from too many battles over the past 20 years fighting other people's battles.

This is exactly the same types of territorial disputes that have made that region of the World a powder keg for hundreds of years. Life can get pretty cheap. For all of you Utopians out there, who think that things can't escalate and get out of hand quickly, remember, WW-1, the "war to end all wars", was started over a dispute not unlike what is happening over there right now.

We should sit back, keep our powder dry, and worry about Americans.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-01-2014, 08:55 AM
954 am

JD is stll an idiot
Ducbutter's Avatar
I wonder if the 80's are still calling Mitt and asking for their foreign policy back?
The problem in the Ukraine is that just as many people want a strong tie with Russia as want ties with Western Europe.

This is a tough nut to crack. President Obama should just say as little as possible, because his words have consequences, especially when there is very little you can do. Putin, who is always the 800 pound gorilla in that room, knows this, and sees the US as a big paper tiger who is war weary from too many battles over the past 20 years fighting other people's battles.

This is exactly the same types of territorial disputes that have made that region of the World a powder keg for hundreds of years. Life can get pretty cheap. For all of you Utopians out there, who think that things can't escalate and get out of hand quickly, remember, WW-1, the "war to end all wars", was started over a dispute not unlike what is happening over there right now.

We should sit back, keep our powder dry, and worry about Americans. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Amen to that. I agree America should be the spectators on this one.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-01-2014, 10:04 AM
on ALL of them.
lustylad's Avatar
In his rush to negative judgement, JD Idiot doesn't allow time for the facts to develop prior to casting dispersions. Originally Posted by bigtex
Hey littledix, are you casting "dispersions" on JD again? Er, help me out here, dipshit... could you possibly mean "aspersions"?