Reason to delete an account

Bloodhound's Avatar
I saw a post where a lady ask staff to delete her account. One of the mods replied with ...

Send the email request , including a reason to

My question, why should someone need to provide a reason to have their account deleted? My thought would be, it's none of your GD business.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I think that is weird as well but I guess that is there protocol
Lana Warren's Avatar
While I agree that it is no one's business why she wants to delete her account, it's probably because they want feedback from her stay here on the board! That way, they could use the information to improve the site!
Duke of G's Avatar

The reason we need a reason: There is no "delete my account." People seem to think they can just ask to go away and with a wave of a magic wand, all their activity here will go away. That is COMPLETELY wrong.

You can have an account DISABLED at any time. This means it's locked, but all posts, handle name, reviews, etc. are still in place, and from that handle.

You can have an account GUESTED, for SECURITY reasons. That means the handle is changed, but the posts, reviews, etc. are still in place. Take note that this isn't a feature because you retire, or get tired of the hobby. It has a specific use.

Note that in both cases, there are still posts and reviews, and comments from others that may mention handles, etc. You can't simply "disappear."

So read your ECCIE guidelines, specifically #28.

#28 - At any time, you may ask to cancel/disable your account here for any reason, or "guest" your account for security reasons. Please submit your request to the staff and include the reason for the request so we may better assist you. In cases where you are asking for your posts or threads to be removed, you will need to submit a list of URL links to the posts you have specified for removal. We will attempt to assist in these cases, but please understand that this process takes time, and due to the amount of work involved, no timeframe or deadline will be given for completion of this task. Additionally, should you wish to return to the board under a different username at a later date, this must be done only after first making contact with staff and receiving staff blessing. (in some cases, a 90-day grace period will be assessed before issuing a new account) At that point, we will be be happy to assist you with the transition.
Bloodhound's Avatar
Thank you G.
LazurusLong's Avatar

Actually, a quick Google search will show that a handle on vbulletin CAN be deleted and all of the posts will also be deleted.

IF the thread was started by someone, if that handle is deleted, the 2nd poster to the thread will become the thread starter.

There is actually a function to remove handles that have been created and have not logged in for a period of time. I always wondered why it was never used on ASPD and it appears that function is not used here either and given the contest to see who can guess when the site will reach 100,000 members, maybe there is some reason why handles that have been created and never logged on or logged on once 2 years ago are still here in the member list.

That tells how to delete one user.

But there are scripts to remove inactive acounts.

I think that ECCIE simply continued the pattern that ASPD started of guesting rather than deleting but ECCIE might want to reconsider. Yes, archive sites like Wayback may have copies of the posts and if you guest a handle it is not hard to determine who it was and it will not remove quoted text.

But given today's technology and the way the Internet has changed and improved over the years since ASPD.NET first came online, it might be better to actually delete an account rather than just guest it in some situations.


Threads and even reviews have a shelf life. As noted in this forum now and then, threads about race are numerous and would it hurt if the thread starter handle was deleted and it would appear a the first reply started the thread? Not so much.

I have seen at least one review where the handle that created the review was deleted and it made the thread in the Review forum look strange but because searching for that provider wouldn't return that in most cases, so what.

If a user, provider or client, really needed their hobby presence gone, guesting is not the same but the owners of this site have decided to follow in the footsteps of ASPD and don't delete handles when requested, they guest them.

Could be a numbers game where bragging rights as to number of handles is important and based on the board wide contest to see who can guess when the site hits 100,000 members, that seems to be the criterion rather than protecting a member who asked their posts be removed.

I almost forgot about when I DO know ASPD would remove all traces of a member.

An AA provider in Houston died of AIDS. Her handle was deleted and all posts she made went with that. ALL reviews were immediately deleted and any and all mention of her name were scrubbed.

They didn't want anyone to be black listed for seeing her because of how she died.
PODarkness's Avatar
If you delete an account that has been active, and has posted threads and posted in threads, all of those threads will become unreadable nonsense, with members talking to ghosts, and ranting over imaginary insults.

Are you going to delete the whole threads and loose good content, or just that handle's posts, and turn good content into unreadable gibberish?
TexRich's Avatar
Some of you overthink this too much......
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Some of you overthink this too much...... Originally Posted by TexRich
I agree
LazurusLong's Avatar
Some of you over think this too much...... Originally Posted by TexRich
And too many guys and girls think too little when it comes to joining this hobby and creating a handle on a board devoted to paying prostitutes for sex.

There almost needs to be a new hobby primer for both providers and clients.

Some recent examples where the person fucked up by NOT thinking enough.

A provider's showcase used photos from her Facebook and tineye apparently snagged them due to her privacy setting. She was outted.

Another provider used her hobby email on HER FB account and anyone who searches can find her real name. DOH!

Clients fail to obtain a hobby phone and the net thing you know the wife gets a copy of the detailed billing and begins to Google the numbers and find prostitutes. Divorce Court?

Client creates a handle and posts reviews on an escort board and fails to understand that his posts will NEVER be deleted, his wife sits down to order pizza online and he fucked up and didn't do private browsing and she sees in the autofill, clicks the link and voila, she is logged in to his account and begins to read all his reviews. He's fucked and not in a good way.

Guy's wife get suspicious because he changed his habits of 20 years and he notices so he guests his handle but she finds an email with his unique handle and Googles it. BUSTED when she finds the handle.

Married guys REALLY need to over think the consequences of having a handle that never truly goes away.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
While I agree the technology is there, we need to remember that the nature of this site means that it has to be run a bit differently from a regular forum. Off the top of my head I can think of a dozen reasons why the powers that be might be hesitant for someone to easily distance themselves from their board persona.
Wheretonow's Avatar
While I agree the technology is there, we need to remember that the nature of this site means that it has to be run a bit differently from a regular forum. Off the top of my head I can think of a dozen reasons why the powers that be might be hesitant for someone to easily distance themselves from their board persona. Originally Posted by Fort Worth Punk
How about listing them? I'll settle for 10.
aka's Avatar
  • aka
  • 08-07-2011, 03:17 PM
I'm all for making some changes that enhance security among them being able to delete accounts and giving people the ability to delete their own reviews and threads.
... and giving people the ability to delete their own reviews and threads. Originally Posted by aka
We could call it Bigdogging a thread, in honor of our fallen brother. He would have wanted it that way.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
How about listing them? I'll settle for 10. Originally Posted by Wheretonow
Hobbyist wants to distance himself from:

1) History of violence
2) Shortchanging girls
3) Proof of STD's
4) Promoting girls/pimping
5) Having outed someone
6) Having blackmailed providers for free sessions
7) Having blackmailed other hobbyists
8) Theft
9) Having written fake reviews
10) Having secretly taped session
11) Having drugged providers
12) Having cooperated with LE

And there are a ton more.

All things that I have seen happen in my time on the boards, and all very valid reasons for the mods to find out why someone suddenly wants to have no association with their digital past. They are also all things that have been attributed to guys who abandoned one handle and likely came back with another.

And that's just the guys.

Because of the nature of this business there is a vested interest to have the ability to match the person with their past as much as possible. The risks are simply too great if you are going to rely on this forum for information to aid someone in separating themselves from what they may have done.

There is not always any problem with letting someone do that. But there is also absolutely nothing wrong with the mods asking for an explanation. And if someone doesn't want to give it they are more than welcome to go elsewhere.

Their house. Their rules.