Chuck Norris MIA movies

VitaMan's Avatar
I just started watching these. I have seen MIA one and MIA 3. I am a little confused.
In MIA, he knifed and killed the guy who snuck up on their boat when they were headed to VN. But in MIA 3, isn't it the same guy at the end who gets blown up in his helicopter ?
Russ38's Avatar
Hard to say.....they all look alike to me.....
Chung Tran's Avatar
Probably. It is disjointed to say
the least. I saw #2, I think, then #3 which sucked. #2 does, too, but it entertained me, initially.

The Vietnamese people are Filippinos in real life. They have horrible accents, and don't look even remotely like Vietnamese. In fact, that movie is as bad a representation of Vietnam as anything I have witnessed in Media.
VitaMan's Avatar
Yes, almost all the actors are filipinos ! They were all filmed in the Philippines, so plenty of cheap actors to hire.
VitaMan's Avatar
I was hoping for more **action** on this thread.

One great Chuck Norris story was the crew was on location in the Philippines. Some very tough guys showed up to rob them. They did that, but also were Chuck Norris fans, so asked for an autograph. He gave it to them.